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Yasser Khalid
Yasser Khalid

Posted on

How to backup MongoDB every night in NodeJS

Many reasons might cause data to be lost or the database to become corrupted. It's crucial to keep the data available and safe you need to keep at least one copy of your database.

I'll explain how to schedule a task to backup your everyday data at 11:59 pm, and how to restore backup data from the command line.

If you have MongoDB already installed you can use a utility named mongodump, which can export data from your database to a local file system.

 mongodump --db=yourDatabaseName --archive=pathToStoreBackup/ --gzip

--db argument for databse name
--archive argument for path of output
--gzip argument will make the output file be compressed with gzip

Note: for more options like --username, --password, --host and --port please visit

Now we need to write a code to execute this command

spawn = require('child_process').spawn
let backupProcess = spawn('mongodump', [

backupProcess.on('exit', (code, signal) => {
        console.log('Backup process exited with code ', code);
    else if (signal)
        console.error('Backup process was killed with singal ', signal);
        console.log('Successfully backedup the database')

Now we need to install node-cron package to this daily task

npm install node-cron --save

now we need to write a code for running the task every day at 11:59 pm

const cron = require('node-cron')
let task = cron.schedule('59 23 * * *', () => {
    cosnole.log('One minute before midnight!');

Note: if the argument "59 23 * * *" is not clear please visit for more details

Now we need to put the two pieces together

const cron = require('node-cron'), spawn = require('child_process').spawn;

let dbBackupTask = cron.schedule('59 23 * * *', () => {
    let backupProcess = spawn('mongodump', [

    backupProcess.on('exit', (code, signal) => {
            console.log('Backup process exited with code ', code);
        else if (signal)
            console.error('Backup process was killed with singal ', signal);
            console.log('Successfully backedup the database')

And now in case, you wanted to restore the backup data execute this command

mongorestore --gzip --archive=backupLockation/


I hope you found this useful! if you have any questions or suggestions please leave a message in the comment section

Latest comments (5)

kamalhossain profile image
Kamal Hossain

thank you!

rmur99 profile image


khue20 profile image

Why use gzip, so difficult to me when I want to restore, Please tell me how to extract gzip when i want to restore

blindman139 profile image
Blindman139 • Edited

Use of different flags along with how to restore...

mongodump -d="ecommerce" -o="./bkp"
mongorestore --nsInclude="ecommerce." --nsFrom="ecommerce." --nsTo="ecrms.*" "./bkp"

mongodump -d="ecommerce" --gzip -o="./bkp"
mongorestore --nsInclude="ecommerce." --nsFrom="ecommerce." --nsTo="ecrms.*" --gzip "./bkp"

mongodump -d="ecommerce" --archive="./bkp1.gz"
mongorestore --nsInclude="ecommerce." --nsFrom="ecommerce." --nsTo="ecrms.*" --archive="./bkp1.gz"

mongodump -d="ecommerce" --gzip --archive="./bkp1.gz"
mongorestore --nsInclude="ecommerce." --nsFrom="ecommerce." --nsTo="ecrms.*" --gzip --archive="./bkp1.gz"

boly38 profile image

hi, in addition you have node-mongotools package that I've created which let you dump/restore a db with dropbox and rotation feature.