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What resources to learn Ruby On Rails?

Younes on December 18, 2018

yes, I like gifs 😂 Here you can put the best resources you would recommend to someone who wants to learn Ruby on Rails or improve his ski...
vinistock profile image
Vinicius Stock •

These may not be suited for a total beginner (and aren't free), but are certainly resources I recommend for someone who wishes to deepen their Ruby and Rails knowledge.

Also, the already cited Rails Tutorial is great for someone just starting.

maxtrelle profile image
maxtrelle •

Let's Build: With Ruby On Rails -

This series is all about Ruby on Rails. We’ll be building apps and furthering our knowledge of the framework discussing topics such as MVC patterns, CRUD, databases, migrations, generators, stylesheets, ruby, rails, javascript, and much more.

justalever profile image
Andy Leverenz •

Super late reply here but thanks for the mention of my blog 😊. I also launched a new course this past year called Hello Rails.

yoadev profile image
Younes •

No problem ^^ Thanks for sharing !

maxtrelle profile image
maxtrelle •

I like launchschool - and their books -
The Odin Project -
Free online course Agile Development Using Ruby on Rails - The Basics -

edisonywh profile image
Edison Yap •

No one has mentioned Upcase yet! It's a learning platform by Thoughtbot that has just recently gone free.

They have a Weekly Iteration which is like 20 mins bite size videos that I watch every now and then.

I also do their Trails (which are like longer, series of course), some of them being Test Driven, Foundations of Testing etc during weekends!

The testing bits really helped me a bunch :)

I don't think they're highly actively maintained anymore but it's still a great library of resources nonetheless!

miah profile image
Miah Johnson •

These two books were the foundation of my Ruby Education:

The Well Grounded Rubyist by David A Black
Practical Object Oriented Design by Sandi Metz

WGR gave me the basics of the language and a working knowledge the Ruby Standard Library.
POODR taught me what Object Oriented Programming was and how two write Ruby.

Eloquent Ruby by Russ Olsen is a excellent read as well and will help you write idiomatic Ruby.

rhymes profile image
rhymes •
semicolonandsons profile image
Semicolon&Sons •

You're missing the most-up-date Rails screencasts on the block: Semicolon&Sons

The focus is on production web-apps. Instead of toy examples, the screencasts are situated inside a live codebase with a decade of legacy, hundreds of thousands of monthly sessions, and tens of thousands of monthly revenue -- and all the complications that accompany all this.

They are certainly not beginner screencasts, but are there to help people fill in the gaps when they are responsible for a deployed piece of software (ESPECIALLY if they are indie-hackers).

Things like architecture, non-brittle integration testing, data integrity enforced at an SQL level, monitoring and responding to production issues, integrating JS without fad frameworks, auditing gems and JS dependencies, softer stuff like SEO for programmers, etc.

You can check out the kind of content we’ve got here:

redfred7 profile image
Fred Heath •

I can't emphasize this enough: Learn Ruby before you dive into Rails. Your Rails journey will be so much easier that way.

ixeres profile image
Devin Leduc •

For an absolute beginner in the world of Ruby on Rails, there's always Learn Ruby the Hard Way.

matthee profile image
Matthias Link •

IMHO these are perfect for a coffee break:

irshad479 profile image
Irshad479 •

You can checkout Mindmajiix's Ruby On Rails Training it would be the best resource for you to learn