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Open source lets us help each other and improve together

Lab2 help us to practice contributing and submitting pull requests to other students' Static Site Generator (SSG). I picked up a few experience that share with you.

what I did

I have a new partner in lab2, and my partner's SSG has different style with most students who author code in Python. The code has lots of details and it looks like a library. My code reference as many library as possible, so it is very different from partner's style. While understanding partner's code, I also found two bugs. The issue 1 is about "pass a bool type as a string to the o_tag function ", and it has fixed. The issue 2 and it is about "the filename should not replace the title name". I didn't change the structure of the code and changed it as little as possible. First, I create a new function named "get_md_body(file, out). This function will read the .md file content and change it to .html file. The function style is I imitate the style of partner's code, which is very similar to the function obtaining .txt file. In order to author this function, I studied "re" library, Lambda expressions and Regular expression. Second, I also author if statement in the main class, so the programming can distinguish .txt and .md files. Third, I create a Pull Request to my partner.

What problems did I have

  • I need to improve the speed of understanding code, so I need to read a lot of code.
  • Need to learn more basic knowledge about git.

What did I learn

  • I studied "re" library;
  • Lambda expressions;
  • Regular expression;
  • how to fork, clone, branch a project;
  • how to create a Pull Request;

What would I do differently next time

I will optimize the program structure and increase compatibility in the future

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