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Yogesh Tewari
Yogesh Tewari

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GetStaticProps vs GetServerSideProps: Next JS Data Fetching

In Next.js, getServerSideProps and getStaticProps are two functions that you can use to fetch data and populate your pages with that data at build time or on the server. Both of these functions are useful for improving the performance and SEO of your Next.js application by pre-rendering the data on the server and sending the rendered HTML to the client.

However, there are some key differences between getServerSideProps and getStaticProps that you should be aware of:


  1. getServerSideProps is a function that you can use to fetch data on the server when a request is made to your Next.js application. This function is called on every request, which means that the data it returns will be fresh and up-to-date.

  2. getServerSideProps is useful for building applications that require real-time data or need to handle sensitive data, such as user sessions or API keys.

  3. getServerSideProps can be used in both server-rendered and statically generated pages.

  4. getServerSideProps is not called during the build process, so any data it fetches will not be pre-rendered at build time. This means that your application will make an additional network request to fetch the data when the page is rendered on the client.


  1. getStaticProps is a function that you can use to fetch data at build time and pre-render the data on your pages. This means that the data is fetched and the pages are rendered on the server, and the rendered HTML is sent to the client when the page is requested.

  2. getStaticProps is useful for building applications that do not require real-time data or do not need to handle sensitive data.

  3. getStaticProps can only be used in statically generated pages.

  4. getStaticProps is called during the build process, so any data it fetches will be pre-rendered at build time. This means that your application will not need to make an additional network request to fetch the data when the page is rendered on the client.

In summary, getServerSideProps is useful for building applications that require real-time data or need to handle sensitive data, while getStaticProps is useful for building applications that do not require real-time data or do not need to handle sensitive data.
getServerSideProps is called on every request and can be used in both server-rendered and statically generated pages, while getStaticProps is called at build time and can only be used in statically generated pages.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification.

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