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Yogesh Tewari
Yogesh Tewari

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List of git commands every frontend developer should know

Git is a version control system that is widely used by software developers to track changes to their codebase and collaborate with other team members. As a frontend developer, it is important to have a good understanding of how to use Git to manage your code and work effectively with your team.

Here is a list of Git commands that every frontend developer should know:

  • git init: This command is used to initialize a new Git repository in the current directory. It creates a hidden .git directory that stores all the information about the repository, including a record of all the changes made to the code.

  • git clone: This command is used to create a local copy of a remote repository. It allows you to download all the code and history from a remote repository and create a new local repository on your computer.

  • git add: This command is used to stage changes for commit. When you make changes to your code, you can use git add to tell Git that you want to include these changes in the next commit. You can specify which files you want to add using the -A flag, or you can specify individual files by name.

  • git commit: This command is used to create a new commit in the repository. A commit is a snapshot of the code at a particular point in time, and it includes a message describing the changes that were made. When you make a commit, Git adds the changes you have staged to the repository history.

  • git push: This command is used to upload your local commits to a remote repository. It sends your commits to the remote repository, where they can be shared with other team members.

  • git pull: This command is used to download new commits from a remote repository and merge them into your local repository. It is often used to get the latest version of the code from the remote repository and incorporate any changes made by other team members.

  • git branch: This command is used to create and manage branches in a Git repository. A branch is a separate line of development that allows you to work on new features or bug fixes without affecting the main codebase. You can use the git branch command to create new branches, switch between branches, and merge branches back into the main codebase.

  • git merge: This command is used to merge one branch into another. It combines the changes from the source branch into the destination branch, and creates a new commit to reflect the merge.

  • git stash: This command is used to temporarily save changes that you are not ready to commit. It allows you to switch branches or switch to a different task without committing your changes, and then later restore them when you are ready to continue working on them.

By learning and using these Git commands, you can effectively manage your code and collaborate with your team as a frontend developer.

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