DEV Community

Discussion on: Surprising behavior with Rails I18n Lazy Lookups and Partials

yourivdlans profile image
Youri van der Lans

I've also been running into this issue. But because I use the i18n-tasks gem to keep my localisation file in check I've chosen to write out the absolute path for a translation when using them within render blocks.

Basically what happens is as soon as you put a relative translation in a render block the path gets changed. In your example it would be: "application.section.title".

One way to approach this could be to pass the i18n scope of the view to the partial and use that when translating a key.

Something like:

<%= render "section", i18n_scope: @virtual_path.gsub(%r{/_?}, ".") do %>
  <h2><%= t('title', scope: i18n_scope) %></h2>
<% end %>

Note the removed dot before "title" indicating this is not a relative lookup.

zspencer profile image

I think landing on "Use absolute paths at all times with I18n" is great advice, especially since the lookup inference pattern is pretty unique to Rails.