DEV Community

Discussion on: What is your favorite operating system?

yournewempire profile image
Archie Smyth

Win 10 gets the job done, but I hate it. I like Ubuntu 18+ followed by macOS of some kind. It can come with problems, but Linux of some flavour is highly recommended. The community is Linux & Mac OS tbh, with exceptions.

jordantylerburchett profile image
Jordan Tyler Burchett

Windows 10 does get the job. Windows is more popular so has more support and more developers, which makes it convenient. I'd prefer a Linux desktop of almost any kind over Windows but I do use Windows a lot as well.

Not trying to advertise just sharing but I made a distro called RefreshOS that's based on Kubuntu 22.04 LTS and has a Windows-like GUI.

yournewempire profile image
Archie Smyth

Nice I will take a look, thanks for the comment