In a previous post, I explained that a serializable isolation level is not the only solution to avoid write skew anomalies. Normalizing the database schema, I converted the read-write conflict into a write-write conflict. This strategy allows us to achieve serialization within the read-committed isolation level using a SELECT FOR UPDATE.
I used Martin Kleppmann's example of doctors' on-call shifts to demonstrate write skew anomalies.
Document data modeling is often confused with denormalization, but it can serve as a normalized alternative to the two-table solution, effectively avoiding write skew anomalies. In this post, I will demonstrate how to store doctors’ on-call shifts using a JSONB document. By utilizing a single table as a document database, I can achieve a solution similar to a normalized schema, which helps prevent write skew.
To implement this, I will create a single table to store the shifts. The doctors' information will be stored in a JSONB array that includes their names and on-call status.
yugabyte=# create table shifts (
shift_id int primary key
,doctors jsonb
yugabyte=# insert into shifts (shift_id, doctors)
values (1, '[
{"name": "Alice", "on_call": true},
{"name": "Bob", "on_call": true}
returning shift_id, jsonb_pretty (doctors) as doctors
shift_id | doctors
1 | [ +
| { +
| "name": "Alice",+
| "on_call": true +
| }, +
| { +
| "name": "Bob", +
| "on_call": true +
| } +
| ]
(1 row)
Bob starts a transaction and checks the on-call doctors for shift 1:
yugabyte=# -- Bob
yugabyte=# begin isolation level read committed;
yugabyte=*# select shift_id, doctor
from shifts
, jsonb_array_elements(doctors) as doctor
where shift_id = 1 and doctor->>'on_call' = 'true'
for update
shift_id | doctor
1 | {"name": "Alice", "on_call": true}
1 | {"name": "Bob", "on_call": true}
(2 rows)
As there are two on-call doctors, Bob can release himself, and another doctor will remain:
yugabyte=# -- Bob
yugabyte=*# update shifts
set doctors = jsonb_set(
-- get the array index ( 1-based provided by ordinality to 0-based for json_set)
select format('{%s,on_call}', idx - 1)::text[]
from jsonb_array_elements(doctors) with ordinality arr(doc, idx)
where doc->>'name' = 'Bob'
where shift_id = 1
returning shift_id, jsonb_pretty (doctors) as doctors;
shift_id | doctors
1 | [ +
| { +
| "name": "Alice",+
| "on_call": true +
| }, +
| { +
| "name": "Bob", +
| "on_call": false+
| } +
| ]
(1 row)
Updating a JSON document in an SQL database is not straightforward. I will do the same in a future blog post with a NoSQL API to see if it is easier.
This configuration is valid and Bob can commit his changes. However, at the same time Alice has the same idea and checks the on-call doctors for the same shift:
yugabyte=# -- Alice
yugabyte=# begin isolation level read committed;
yugabyte=*# select shift_id, doctor
from shifts
, jsonb_array_elements(doctors) as doctor
where shift_id = 1 and doctor->>'on_call' = 'true'
for update
Because of transaction isolation, Alice cannot see Bob's ongoing changes. However, when she uses SELECT FOR UPDATE, the database waits to see if Bob's transaction will commit or roll back so that an accurate result can be returned to her.
Bob terminates his transaction with a commit to make his changes durable and visible to others:
yugabyte=# -- Bob
yugabyte=*# commit;
Immediately, Alice's transaction continues and displays the current state of the database:
yugabyte=# -- Alice
yugabyte=# select shift_id, doctor
yugabyte-# from shifts
yugabyte-# , jsonb_array_elements(doctors) as doctor
yugabyte-# where shift_id = 1 and doctor->>'on_call' = 'true'
yugabyte-# for update
yugabyte-# ;
shift_id | doctor
1 | {"name": "Alice", "on_call": true}
(1 row)
Alice sees that she is the only on-call doctor for this shift. She must cancel her attempt step back from being on-call:
yugabyte=# -- Alice
yugabyte=# rollback;
The state of the database is consistent, with one doctor on-call:
yugabyte=# select shift_id, jsonb_pretty (doctors) as doctors
from shifts
shift_id | doctors
1 | [ +
| { +
| "name": "Alice",+
| "on_call": true +
| }, +
| { +
| "name": "Bob", +
| "on_call": false+
| } +
| ]
(1 row)
Understanding how your database works, mainly locking and conflict detection, is essential for getting consistent results with high performance. YugabyteDB maintains runtime compatibility with PostgreSQL, so you won’t need to learn new behaviors. Contrary to others (like Spanner, CockroachDB, or AWS Aurora DSQL whose compatibility is limited to the wire protocol and dialect), YugabyteDB operates like PostgreSQL, supporting all isolation levels, explicit locking, and the same data types, including JSON and JSONB.
At the logical level, we identify two business entities: shifts and doctors, which are connected through a one-to-many relationship, the on-call status of a doctor for each shift. In this and the previous post, we have explored three data modeling options: two tables connected by a foreign key, a single doctor table with a shift attribute, and a single shift table with doctors in an embedded document. The appropriate choice depends on data volume, access patterns, and performance needs.
I used name attributes like "Bob" and "Alice," which might introduce data duplication since doctors are likely stored in another collection or table. However, such applications typically use immutable keys, like UUIDs, and are not subject to update anomalies, which is the main reason for normalization.
Embedding documents can provide a consistent and efficient alternative to the traditional normal forms approach. Document databases are particularly well-suited for scenarios where related data is frequently accessed together and must be locked together, as in this example.
Top comments (5)
Tom Kyte wrote about "write consistency" in his "Expert Database Architecture" book. In Tom's book, transaction is restarted when it finds changed query results after concurrent transaction completes. Granted, Tom wasn't writing about PostgreSQL compatible databases as he used to be a VP at Oracle Corp. but I imagine that PgSQL has similar concurrency mechanisms. It would be very interesting to see how would that operate in a DSQL environment.
Yes, write consistency is tricky in Multi-Version Concurrency Control databases. Tom Kyte had an awesome thread starting with "oh geez -- i'm almost afraid to publish this one" on AskTOM where he explained how he discovered this, with emails being sent twice (from trigger, using non-transactional external procedure)
Thanks for correcting me. Yes, it is a statement restart, not a transaction restart. Eggnog was apparently quite potent this year. The main problem with the save points in PgSQL is its lack of SCN and rowid values. CTID, xmin and xmax cannot be used for that purpose. Does YB have anything like SCN and rowid?
Yes. YugabyteDB equivalent of SCN is the timestamp from the Hybrid Logical Clock (NTP time + Lamport correction to get it monotonically increasing). So no wraparound problems 😃
YugabyteDB equivalent of rowid is an encoded version of the primary key (ybctid) as rows are stored in their primary key LSM tree rather than heap tables.
Thanks Franck! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to both you and your family.