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Exploratory Data Analysis using Data Visualization Techniques

What is exploratory data analysis?

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a crucial initial step in data analysis, involving the examination and visualization of data to uncover patterns, relationships, and anomalies. Data visualization is key in EDA as it helps analysts gain insights from complex datasets. This article emphasizes the significance of EDA and explores various data visualization techniques for a deeper data understanding.

EDA is vital for data scientists to analyze and understand datasets, aiding in data source manipulation for desired answers. It facilitates pattern discovery, anomaly detection, hypothesis testing, and assumption verification.

Primarily, EDA reveals insights beyond formal modeling and hypothesis testing, providing a better grasp of dataset variables and their relationships. It also helps assess the suitability of statistical techniques for analysis. Developed by John Tukey in the 1970s, EDA remains a widely used method in contemporary data discovery.

Why is exploratory data analysis important in data science?

The primary aim of EDA is to examine data without making preconceived assumptions. It serves to uncover evident errors, gain a deeper understanding of data patterns, pinpoint outliers or unusual occurrences, and reveal intriguing relationships among variables.

Data scientists employ exploratory analysis to ensure the validity and relevance of their findings for specific business objectives. Additionally, EDA aids stakeholders in validating their inquiries, ensuring they are on the right track. EDA can provide answers regarding factors such as standard deviations, categorical variables, and confidence intervals. Once EDA is concluded and insights are gleaned, its capabilities can be harnessed for more advanced data analysis or modeling, including machine learning.

EDA is like the compass that guides you through the wilderness of data. It helps you uncover the following:
Data Quality Assessment: Before diving into any analysis, it's crucial to identify missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies in the data. Visualization can make these issues apparent.
Data Distribution: Understanding how data is distributed is fundamental. Is it normally distributed, skewed, or has multiple peaks? Visualization tools like histograms can provide these insights.
Patterns and Relationships: EDA helps you identify patterns and relationships within the data. For instance, do certain variables correlate with each other? Scatterplots are handy for this purpose.
Outlier Detection: Outliers can skew analysis and models. Visualizations like box plots or scatterplots can help detect outliers.
Data Transformation: Visualization can assist in deciding if data transformation is necessary. For instance, does a log transformation make the data more normally distributed?
Feature Selection: EDA aids in selecting relevant features for analysis or modeling. It helps identify which variables are most likely to influence the target variable.

Exploratory data analysis tools

Specific statistical functions and techniques you can perform with EDA tools include:

  1. Clustering and dimension reduction techniques, which help create graphical displays of high-dimensional data containing many variables.
  2. Univariate visualization of each field in the raw dataset, with summary statistics.
  3. Bivariate visualizations and summary statistics that allow you to assess the relationship between each variable in the dataset and the target variable you’re looking at.
  4. Multivariate visualizations, for mapping and understanding interactions between different fields in the data.
  5. K-means Clustering is a clustering method in unsupervised learning where data points are assigned into K groups, i.e. the number of clusters, based on the distance from each group’s centroid. The data points closest to a particular centroid will be clustered under the same category. K-means Clustering is commonly used in market segmentation, pattern recognition, and image compression.
  6. Predictive models, such as linear regression, use statistics and data to predict outcomes.

Types of exploratory data analysis

There are four primary types of EDA:

  1. Univariate non-graphical. This is simplest form of data analysis, where the data being analyzed consists of just one variable. Since it’s a single variable, it doesn’t deal with causes or relationships. The main purpose of univariate analysis is to describe the data and find patterns that exist within it.
  2. Univariate graphical. Non-graphical methods don’t provide a full picture of the data. Graphical methods are therefore required. Common types of univariate graphics include:
    • Stem-and-leaf plots, which show all data values and the shape of the distribution.
    • Histograms, a bar plot in which each bar represents the frequency (count) or proportion (count/total count) of cases for a range of values.
    • Box plots, which graphically depict the five-number summary of minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum. Image description
  3. Multivariate nongraphical: Multivariate data arises from more than one variable. Multivariate non-graphical EDA techniques generally show the relationship between two or more variables of the data through cross-tabulation or statistics.
  4. Multivariate graphical: Multivariate data uses graphics to display relationships between two or more sets of data. The most used graphic is a grouped bar plot or bar chart with each group representing one level of one of the variables and each bar within a group representing the levels of the other variable.
Other common types of multivariate graphics include:

- Scatter plot, which is used to plot data points on a horizontal and a vertical axis to show how much one variable is affected by another.
- Multivariate chart, which is a graphical representation of the relationships between factors and a response.
- Run chart, which is a line graph of data plotted over time.
- Bubble chart, which is a data visualization that displays multiple circles (bubbles) in a two-dimensional plot.
- Heat map, which is a graphical representation of data where values are depicted by color.

Exploratory Data Analysis Tools

Some of the most common data science tools used to create an EDA include:

Python: An interpreted, object-oriented programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level, built-in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, make it very attractive for rapid application development, as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components together. Python and EDA can be used together to identify missing values in a data set, which is important so you can decide how to handle missing values for machine learning.
R: An open-source programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. The R language is widely used among statisticians in data science in developing statistical observations and data analysis.
Tableau: Tableau is a powerful data visualization tool that allows users to create interactive and shareable dashboards.
Power BI: Microsoft's Power BI is another popular business intelligence tool that offers robust data visualization capabilities.


Exploratory Data Analysis is just a key in order to have a better understanding and representing your data, which helps you build a stronger, more generalized model. So, The visualization of the data is easy to achieve, which facilitates the comprehension of our analysis by others.


  1. IBM. (2020). What is Exploratory Data Analysis? | IBM. ‌2. What is Exploratory Data Analysis in Visualization. (2021, November 22). Business Analysis Blog.
  2. Nabriya, P. (2021, August 19). Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization Techniques in Data Science. Analytics Vidhya.

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