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Observable Web Workers with Angular (8) - Introduction

Zak Henry on June 16, 2019

tl;dr Web Workers are awesome and Angular CLI now supports them natively. Unfortunately, the Web Worker API is not Angular-like and ther...
johncarroll profile image
John Carroll • Edited

FYI: you link to the NPM package several places in the article, but the package.json is apparently missing a link to the associated git repo.

I can't speak for everyone obviously, but I have no interest in links. I only use them to find the associated git repo. For anyone else looking for the git repo, you can find it here: (the last link in the article references it).

(also, thanks for open-sourcing your work! Looks super useful)

zakhenry profile image
Zak Henry

Thanks for the tip John, I have actually already fixed this however it hasn't been released due to the semantic release program computing the change was immaterial and didn't warrant a version bump, so this fix will go out with the next addition to the library. I'll see if there is anything obvious I can fix up to ensure it gets out as this is kinda annoying I agree.

johncarroll profile image
John Carroll • Edited

Dunno what your pipeline is, but I remember running into something like this with lerna and I was able to make use of an option (--force ? --force-publish ?) to force out an otherwise identical patch release.

bboyle profile image
Ben Boyle

This sounds great Zak, thanks for sharing!

I'm confused though. I think I followed these steps right, but the worker threads aren't being terminated. Did I miss something?

bboyle profile image
Ben Boyle

seems to be the version of observable-workers. I see the worker threads being terminated if I use version 3.0.1. doesn't seem to be an issue with the advanced blog posts

jzabinskidolios profile image
jzabinski-dolios • Edited

You have to explicitly call subscription.unsubscribe() in order for the workers to be torn down. In other words, this:

  runWorker() {
    const input$: Observable<string> = of('hello');

   fromWorker<string, string>(
      () => new Worker(new URL('./app.worker', import.meta.url), { type: 'module' }),
    ).subscribe((message) => {
      console.log(`Got message`, message);
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Really needs to be this:

subscription = new Subscription();

  runWorker() {
    const input$: Observable<string> = of('hello');

    this.subscription.add(fromWorker<string, string>(
      () => new Worker(new URL('./app.worker', import.meta.url), { type: 'module' }),
    ).subscribe((message) => {
      console.log(`Got message`, message);
      ==> this.subscription.unsubscribe(); <==
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jzabinskidolios profile image

Just went through this helpful introduction. As of 2022, there seem to be just a few differences to highlight:

  1. ObservableWorker has been deprecated. runWorker is intended to replace it, like this:
import { DoWork, runWorker } from 'observable-webworker';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';

export class DemoWorker implements DoWork<string, string> {
  public work(input$: Observable<string>): Observable<string> {
    return input$.pipe(map((data) => `worker response to ${data}`));

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  1. If you run this code in a browser, you will probably notice that the worker thread continues to stick around after it has run. This is because the workers are kept as part of the inner workings of fromWorker. It will terminate those workers when the subscription is unsubscribed (not just when the observable emits Complete). So this code:
  runWorker() {
    const input$: Observable<string> = of('hello');

   fromWorker<string, string>(
      () => new Worker(new URL('./app.worker', import.meta.url), { type: 'module' }),
    ).subscribe((message) => {
      console.log(`Got message`, message);
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Should really be this code:

--> subscription = new Subscription();

  runWorker() {
    const input$: Observable<string> = of('hello');

-->     this.subscription.add(fromWorker<string, string>(
      () => new Worker(new URL('./app.worker', import.meta.url), { type: 'module' }),
    ).subscribe((message) => {
      console.log(`Got message`, message);
-->      this.subscription.unsubscribe();
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omphemetse profile image
Omphemetse Samuel Lawrence Mafoko

Thank you. It really helped me.

andrewa40539253 profile image
Andrew Allen

I would love to know more about the inner workings. Btw you and maxime1992 always seem to ask the same question I research. Thank you for all the public info you output

shivenigma profile image
Vignesh M

Man, You can't possibly know how happy I am to see this library. Going to try it over the weekend and on next week possibly in a project where I am currently performance optimizing.

johnasbroda profile image
Ferenczfi Jonatán

Looks really nice and interesting. Im definitely going to give it a look.

achimoraites profile image
Achilles Moraites

Well done !!!
Thanks for sharing!!!

narshe1412 profile image

Excellent post. Can you please include, either at the top or bottom (or both), a link to the follow-up article?

zakhenry profile image
Zak Henry

Hey Manual, thanks for the support! DEV now automagically adds this to the beginning of all articles that are marked as a part of a series :)