- What is the DOM?
- What is the “use strict”?
- How many data types are in js?
- What is the difference between primitive and non-primitive data types?
- What is the Symbol data type?
- What is the BigInt data type?
- What is the difference between strict equality and loose equality?
- How many are there ways of creating an Array?
- How many are there ways of creating Objects?
- How many are there ways of declaring function?
- What is the hoisting?
- What is the difference between var, let, and const?
- What is the difference between arrow function and function expression?
- What is the scope and how many are they?
- What is the prototype?
- What is the difference between prototype and proto?
- What is the “this (call, apply, bind)”?
- What is the closure?
- What is an event loop?
- What is the callback hell and explain the promise? Promise methods?
- What is the polyfill in JS?
- JS classes?
- Async awaits, try-catch, fetch?
- What is a proxy?
- Function generator, symbol iterator, for of, for in?
- Array methods (forEach, map, reduce, filter)?
- Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet?
- Spread vs Rest?
- Object and Array Destruction?
- Local storage, session storage, cookies, index DB?
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