DEV Community

Lorenzo G. Bergamasco
Lorenzo G. Bergamasco

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Searching for an HUD app

I did try to develop myself an app as following described, but my capabilities and experience are too poor to achieve it.
So I am looking for anybody capable to develop such app or maybe have already developed it.

The overlay shoud include the typical information of an aeronautical HUD, such Speed (in knots), Altitude (in feet), Attitude (Horizon inclinometer and pitch, in degrees), heading (magnetic and/or GPS), and variometer (trend in climbing or diving, in feet per minutes).
A "G" meter (-5 / +5 G) will be an interesting option, shown as a gauge.
The HUD data color should be selectable between green, magenta, white, black, and cyan with a button on the main screen (cycling colors).
A start-stop recording button must be available on the main view.
I am aware that, due to the inclinometer sensors of the phone, the attitude indication will be unreal during the flight, due to the "G" vector, but this is a well known limitation of a non-aeronautical-certified instrument.
The data reading shown on the overlay, must be integrated by 0.3 / 0.5 seconds, to smooth the reading during a turbolent flight.
The main matter is to get the video recording smooth.

For my own personal needs, the app have to work on a Samsung Galaxy S21 or grater.
Bit I think it will be a good idea to use Android 13.0 Pixel5 API33, to reach a larger pool of potential customers.

In my previous experience the recorded video was not smooth, so whoever wants to develop such app, has to take care of this problem.
An example of what I have tried before, is shown on this video on YouTube (statring from 2:35):

You may contact me by email shown in my profile.

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