DEV Community

Anna Zhylnykova
Anna Zhylnykova

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Superheroes of email marketing

Welcome emails are the superheroes of email marketing. Sometimes they are underestimated, but welcome emails are extremely important for bloggers, companies and many others. In many ways, the success of your subsequent work with the e-mail largely depends on the first impressions. The welcome letter should encourage, be informative and clear.

What is the main purpose of welcome letters?

It is important to understand that in the case of welcome letters, the statistics of opening and clicks are not so important. Of course, you will try to make your best so the message subject and its text will have the maximum effect. However, the real purpose of the welcome email is to push the user through your registration process (this is part of the user’s adaptation to the product). The next step, depending on the software you use, blog, store, etc. may include filling out a profile, downloading something, reading a document, or something else. Whatever your next step, a welcome email should encourage the user to take further action. The only statistics that are important here are the level of response. How many recipients did the step you asked them to take? Welcome emails can help you to gain loyal customers.

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