Welcome Everyone
All of us have seen customizable and feature-full terminals in linux and mac,
if you want to have a cool looking &...
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Working fine on Windows Terminal and VSCode, with some issues:
1) Flutter script only recognize MINGW, so you need to set an alias in your .zshrc:
alias dart="/cygdrive/c/flutter/bin/dart.bat"
andalias flutter="/cygdrive/c/flutter/bin/flutter.bat"
.2) Git from cygwin doesn't work on flutter, so either don't install it or install git for windows and then delete (or rename) \cygwin\bin\git.exe
3) For Windows Terminal, open settings and change your prompt settings to
"commandline": "zsh --login -i"
(the default profile is {0caa0dad-35be-5f56-a8ff-afceeeaa6101})4) For VSCode, configure your terminal to cygwin:
"terminal.integrated.shell.windows": "C:\\cygwin64\\Cygwin.bat",
, then edit that batch file to set zsh as the default shell:cd /d "%~dp0bin" && zsh --login -i
And that's it... zsh working fine on both Windows Terminal and VSCode, without that trashy WSL.
how did you do it?
That's Great ! Thanks for the extra tips.
I'm uncertain why you'd go through the trouble of using cygwin/cmder when you can use WSL2+Terminal and have a native experience.
Let me help you through this , I have specific reasons for not using WSL
Reason 1 - I will have to install Full linux shell in my windows
Reason 2 - The setup and usage of WSL was not easy to understand
Conclusion I simply preferred this way , cause I found it easier and I didn't have to install full linux shell in windows for just oh-my-zsh. Though If anyone does want a full native experience they can prefer WSL way too.
I don't know if English is your first language, but that phrase is extremely condescending.
You're already doing that with Cygwin.
It's a Windows feature and then you install a distro through the Store. You're doing way more work in your post than what it takes to get it set up otherwise.
I didn't mean the phrase that way, its all cool.
Ohkay so , with the help of Cygwin I am just installing apt-cyg , to install zsh & git that's all. The other packages are user's choice. But For WSL I have to go to windows store and install Full Ubuntu Shell Package .
Yes WSL is a windows feature, and some people might find it easier to set it up for their usage, I agree with that. It's just a matter of choice , for me it was easier to Find and Do it this way , and just shared it with others.
As I said Before, If anyone wants they can prefer going WSL way, this way isn't a compulsory.
Though thanks for listing this other way too here, it can help many more people 😊🤘
What do you mean by full Linux shell? You'd have to install zsh regardless, no?
By Full Linux Shell I mean that , for the WSL way I will have to install Full Ubuntu Package (or whichever distro you prefer) just to use ZSH, in this way I am just installing apt-cyg package and then zsh that's it.
It's as simple as that and a matter of choice for the user, not a compulsory to go my way only. Just sharing what I found.
Hey, it's giving no result for
. what shall I do?Let me List some things that you might have missed :
Thanks bro. I just fixed it.
Awesome ! 🤘
r a sokha....
thanks for this great article. But sadly after doing the zsh install step and quiting the cygwin terminal. When I reopen, there is no difference. no ZSH !
how i change start directory when i open in contextmeu
tried my best , but could not find a working way 😅
Thank you for this great article and even comments on this article are very helpful.
I have a question and its kinda not relevant to this article, I've got both git and WSL set up, but the big issue with WSL is, that its not able to access the reasources that i already have on my windows for example node, python, java and so on.
But i do wanted to experience the Z-Shell without hassle of WSL and this article helped me a lot,
My question is-:
Is there a way to set up an alias command for git-bash and invoke from any directory when needed via powershell so i can use zsh directly in that directory when needed?
Sounds dumb but i want powershell to be default but i also want to set up git in a way that it can access git-bash and Z-shell from anywhere like we can do with cmd (whenever we type cmd it start working directly into powershell).
basically what i want to achieve is when i type "gsh" git bash opens up in the way cmd does when used via pwsh.
UPDATE: I found the solution on stack overflow again thanks for this article.
Hey, Arjun! How I can implement this (zsh + cmder) Terminal as default PhpStorm Terminal? I'm trying to set up command:
"cmd.exe" /k ""C:\cmder\Cmder.exe""
but it opens in separate window (not inside the PhpStorm terminal)..
After commands
install apt-cyg /bin
apt-cyg install zsh git gdb dos2unix openssh vim
maybe waiting for sometime would have made it work , or else you can try the next steps and see if the commands worked properly. If the commands didn't work then you will not see the screen in cmder as I did. Good luck
Ok, I got an issue. After this step: "Do the same for Admin Privileges , rename it as {cygwin:ZSH as Admin} and replace command with:...". I launch Cmder again, it's starting mintty.exe but after gave error: "/usr/bin/zsh: Exit 126.
Failed to run '/usr/bin/zsh': No such file or directory".
zsh folder was not in archive so I created one, but error still pop out. Any suggetions or info about it?
Yeah so now its confirmed that the commands
install apt-cyg /bin
apt-cyg install zsh git gdb dos2unix openssh vim
did not work properly , that's why zsh is not installed yet. I think you can try to remove everything and follow the steps again. Maybe you missed a step that would have caused this problem.
I will definetely try it !!!
Hope You find it Awesome and Easy ! 🤘
I'm still confused at the step "Do the same for Admin Privileges , rename it as {cygwin:ZSH as Admin} and replace command with
*C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe /usr/bin/zsh --login -i -new_console:d:%USERPROFILE%"
Please help me
When I type something on my terminal, I get random
caused by zsh-autosuggestions.How do I solve this?
How to set Cmder to default terminal of VSCode bro ?
You can do it in VSCode using these commands in settings.json
replace the path to cmder with yours ,
even if you set it , it wont run as inbuilt terminal in VSCode , it is only possible to launch it externally.
Thanks bro.
It is actually possible with those lines in settings.json in VScode:
great post !!! 👏👏👏🎉🎉
Thanks !
Customizing Cygwin & Oh-my-zsh
step four is not clear to me, I don't know what to do, I can't find any files .minttyrc
bal, baichhha thakle ei kaj ar na korim! (fuck you windows)
the link for cmder is wrong
this is the right link
How can we emmed this to Visual Studio Code ?
i can't do a command like 'cd' anyone have the same issue?
great, thanks buddy.
tried all steps but yours was on the spot
Hey there,
can not do this one "git clone git://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh.git ~/.oh-my-zsh", because of new policy of git. Does anyone has an alternative link?
You can use
git clone https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh.git ~/.oh-my-zsh