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Cover image for An Old Noob #5 - Cloud Resume Challenge, on Balance
Zachary Wilson
Zachary Wilson

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An Old Noob #5 - Cloud Resume Challenge, on Balance

Hello again and thanks for taking a moment to read what i'm typing. So far my posts have been specific to my experiences with the Cloud Resume Challenge, and while this is no exception it's also not a requirement - i think this pertains to any project, challenge, or goal we set out to achieve.

So what did i accomplish this week on my project?

Absolutely nothing

(you know, i really wish markdown allowed a target="_blank" option so i'm not sending people away from my post in an effort to add content to my post, but when the reference is just so appropriate...)

what was i saying?

Oh, that's right! I did absolutely nothing with my cloud resume this week (other than add things to my to-do list). And it was a break i definitely needed. I'm that kind of guy who needs to stay busy, and when i get focused on something i can get a little... obsessive? Add to that the more public nature of this challenge in the publishing about my progress and it's safe to say i was motivated to complete the objectives. At times i may have even felt a little frantic.

Daffy Duck


I do tend to get very focused when problem-solving. Like blind-to-the-world-around-me focused. I tend to lose track of time. And the ability to hear people standing right next to me attempting to make conversation. For instance, "Hey, you haven't moved in 2 days!"


Fortunately i have a very understanding, supporting family.


Even when i go a little off the rails.

Even when i ramble incessantly about technical minutiae like the very existence of the known galaxy hinges upon my success...

My family:

You Need To Relax

Did i go a little off the rails? That's not important right now. What is important is to allow yourself to savor the little victories as they come, and to give yourself some real time to enjoy the bigger victories when you get them.

That said, i haven't been entirely unproductive this week. I can't even say i haven't done any work on the challenge, as i've been studying for my ACP (which is, after all, step one of the challenge).

I'll continue to work on my to-do list, and i found another list of cloud challenges that i haven't looked into in much detail yet but at first glance look intriguing. Now that i've taken a bit of time off, i'm feeling ready to get back at it. Never underestimate the magic of giving yourself a break.

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