DEV Community

Arpan karki
Arpan karki

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Next.js + Express + Node.js for Final Year Project: Good Combo or Overkill?

Hey everyone!

I’m a final-year student working on my final year project, and I’m planning to use Next.js, Express, and Node.js together. I’d love some advice from experienced developers on whether this is a good combination or if it’s overkill.

From what I understand:
Next.js can handle both front-end and back-end logic with API routes, which seems pretty efficient.

Express would give me more flexibility for backend functionality, but I’m not sure if that’s necessary if I’m already using Next.js.

Is this a solid stack for a project, or would I be better off just sticking with Next.js for simplicity? Any insights or advice from those of you who’ve worked with this stack would be really appreciated!


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