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Golang: go get package from your private repo in Gitlab


We can use go get to install a module from our private repo.

Say we have a private repo gomath that is hosted in gitlab under url:

File math.go:

package gomath

func Double(a int) int {
    return a * 2
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Now in your other Go module you want to install this package, you need to do 2 things:

  1. Set the GOPRIVATE env variable
  2. Set git config to let git know your personal access token in gitlab. You can get the token from gitlab > preferences > Access Tokens. Make sure your token has the "read_repository" scope.


#!/usr/bin/env bash

go env -w GOPRIVATE=

git config \
  --global \
  url."https://<yourname>:<personal access token from gitlab>".insteadOf \
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Run this script:

$ bash
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Now under your Go module, you can just use go get like normal:

$ go get
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Then use it in main.go:

package main

import (


func main() {
    num := 2
    result := gomath.Double(num)
    fmt.Println("result:", result)
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