Steps are:
1. Install GSconnect extension from Gnome Extension Manager
2. Install KDEconnect application from the Play Store
3. Pair and connect the phone and the laptop
Note: You may need to install openssl in fedora to use GSconnect.
sudo dnf install openssl
4. Use the pre provided rsync tool to sync notes and folders
The command for this is:
rync -av --delete "/home/USER/PATH/TO/FOLDER" "/run/user/1001/gvfs/sftp:host=,port=1739/storage/emulated/0/PATH/TO/MOBILE/FOLDER"
Replace USER with user's Home Folder
& /PATH/TO/FOLDER with the folder that you want to sync with mobile.
& /PATH/TO/MOBILE/FOLDER with the folder where you want to store the synced files and folders.
Note: You may enable bidirectional syncing just by interchanging the source and the destination paths in the rsync command.
5. (OPTIONAL) Automate
Save the following 4 lines as
rsync -av --delete "$SOURCE" "$DEST"
Now edit the crontab
Then add the following line
*/15 * * * * /home/your_username/ >> /home/your_username/scripts/GSconnectRsync.log 2>&1
Thats all
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