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Say hi to Plogirian (in some years)!

Did you know? I am planning to make a programming language that will be the easiest one in the world! Now, here I may mention some rules:
-Every code won't be in 3 of these "`", but rather 1.
-It will be easy because...

  1. This will use objects called zandles, not sprites. Now what's in zandles that's not in sprites? Zandles can have 10 different coding tids. A tid is a thing in a zandle holding code can be linked with other tids' codes. Other than that, codes in zandles can be linked with eachother, not like sprites, but it has a whole other way, even by linking a code's extid with an intid.
  2. Extids are tids that are outside of a zandle. Intids are the tids belonging to that zandle.
  3. This is a quick example of how to make a sprite move: if:key+w^pressed_set:movement - increasing.amount^10 if:key+s^pressed_set:movement - decreasing.amount^10 See? You can read it like a book, every character has its own job.
  4. Hacking in this language is not hacking, it's called advanced code. Advanced code has perks: No lag, linking whole projects, and verbs (jobs to be done automatically when running the code). $ sudo activate movement makes the variable usable. -The programming language will be full of perks other languages don't have: Linking codes Zandles and tids Farrs (a farr holds a project and detects problems from it) End-to-end encrypted projects and codes 100% free programming Share projects with the community (also with selected people only) See your variables and tids in the library -Time for some examples:
  5. Chat with others - if:self+chat^hello_set:message - hello
  6. Make a new variable - $ sudo create variable named variable1
  7. AutoModerate - if:others+chat^inappropriate_set:automod - enabled
  8. Verify users - if:other+status^verified_set:user - verified.reason^other+status^verified Now, please tell me if you need help, have comments, or want to participate in helping me!

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If you think you can help, need help, have comments, or want to report something, say the things, how I wrote them.
$ sudo create variable named understanding
$ sudo create variable named happiness
$ sudo turn understanding to boolean
if:others+understanding^true_set:happiness - 69%