DEV Community

How are posts and comments sorted?

How does order posts on the home page, and comments underneath posts? They don't always seem chronological, although comments don't have a timestamp, so I'm not sure.

Oldest comments (4)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

We should make this more clear and include timestamps and ways to re-sort. It's silly we've put this off. But basically posts on the home page are sorted vaguely by a score relating to reactions, the quality of discussion and other quality indicators, weighed against time. Similar to how Reddit and Hacker News and Facebook, etc. might work.

Comments are sort of similar, but mostly about voting regardless of submission time.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I'll also add that there are probably different ideal comment thread configurations for different types of threads as we find more and more use cases. Definitely an open question. There are times where straight chronological, no thread depth is ideal. We're definitely thinking about this but feedback is welcome.

What we really want, though, is to have things basically be intuitive, so we don't need a million configurations. Sensible defaults are good.

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

On top of this can there be a page to see the top posts of all time?

darkmg73 profile image

Any progress on this? The comments section is too difficult to use when trying to find your own comment. So many years and yet nothing?