Does the Programming Environment Affect Precision? A 360° Rotation Test
When using LEGO SPIKE Prime in robotics competitions, does the choice of programming environment impact movement precision?
To investigate this, I conducted an experiment comparing different programming environments.
Tested Programming Environments
I compared the following four environments:
- Word Blocks (SPIKE App 3) → Download here
- Python (SPIKE App 3) → Download here
- Python (Pybricks) → More info
- C Language (spike-rt) → GitHub repository
Robot Configuration
For the test, I used a car-type robot with the following setup:
•Left motor: Port A
•Right motor: Port B
Test Method
To compare the environments, I conducted the following test:
- Command the robot to rotate 360° using a specified motor angle
- Measure the difference between the target and actual rotation angles
- Perform 10 trials for each environment and calculate the average error
- The same logic was used for all environments
Program Code (for all environments):
Word Blocks (SPIKE App3)
Python (SPIKE App3)
tread = 8
d_tire = 5.6
goal = 360;
for i in range(10):
motor.reset_relative_position(port.A, 0)
start_angle = motor.relative_position(port.A), -300), -300)
while tread/d_tire*goal > -motor.relative_position(port.A):
motor.stop(port.A, stop=motor.BRAKE)
motor.stop(port.B, stop=motor.BRAKE)
print("error:", abs(motor.relative_position(port.A)-start_angle) - tread/d_tire*goal )
Python (Pybricks)
hub = PrimeHub()
motorA = Motor(Port.A, Direction.COUNTERCLOCKWISE)
motorB = Motor(Port.B, Direction.CLOCKWISE)
tread = 8
d_tire = 5.6
goal = 360
for i in range(10):
start_angle = motorA.angle()
while tread/d_tire*goal > motorA.angle() - start_angle:
print("error", motorA.angle()-start_angle - tread/d_tire*goal )
C Language (spike-rt)
void Main(intptr_t exinf)
uint8_t tread = 8;
float d_tire = 5.6;
uint32_t goal = 360;
int8_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){
pup_motor_set_speed(motorA, 300);
pup_motor_set_speed(motorB, -300);
while(tread/d_tire*goal > pup_motor_get_count(motorA));
float error = pup_motor_get_count(motorA) - (tread / d_tire * goal);
syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "error: %d.%05d", (int)error, (int)((error - (int)error) * 100000));
Results: Which Environment Was Most Precise?
Here are the average rotation errors (smaller is better):
1️⃣ 12° - C Language (spike-rt) 🏆
2️⃣ 13° - Python (Pybricks)
2️⃣ 13° - Python (SPIKE App 3)
4️⃣ 14° - Word Blocks (SPIKE App 3)
Additionally, I measured the error fluctuation range (consistency):
1️⃣ 2° - Python (SPIKE App 3) 🏆
2️⃣ 3° - C Language (spike-rt)
2️⃣ 3° - Word Blocks (SPIKE App 3)
4️⃣ 5° - Python (Pybricks)
Key Takeaways:
C Language (spike-rt) had the most accurate rotation (smallest error)
Python (SPIKE App 3) had the most stable results (smallest variation)
Want to Try C Programming on LEGO SPIKE Prime?
If you’re interested in trying C on SPIKE Prime, there are beginner-friendly learning materials available. As of March 2025, a trial version is also accessible—give it a try!
To See More
If you're interested in more LEGO SPIKE Prime experiments with C language, check out this related article:
- Testing LEGO SPIKE Prime with C: Line Follower Speed & Stability
- Introducing SPIKE-RT: the C Language Software Platform for LEGO SPIKE Prime
- Comparing LEGO SPIKE Prime Programming : Which is Best for Robotics Competitions? - 1
- Comparing LEGO SPIKE Prime Programming: Which Is Best for Robotics Competitions? - 3 (Coming Soon)
More tests are planned, including further evaluations for robotics competitions. Stay tuned for future updates! 🚀
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