Hey Dev.to community!
I’m excited to share the latest update to Neural DSL, a work-in-progress domain-specific language for defining, training, and debugging neural networks. With v0.2.3 (released March 16, 2025), I supercharged one feature I think you’ll love:
multi-framework Hyperparameter Optimization (HPO). Plus, I squashed some bugs and added new layer support to keep things moving forward. Let’s dive in!
🌟 Spotlight: Multi-Framework HPO (#434)
Imagine defining a neural network once and optimizing its hyperparameters for both PyTorch and TensorFlow without rewriting a single line. That’s what v0.2.3 brings to the table. Whether you’re tuning layer sizes, dropout rates, or learning rates, Neural DSL now handles HPO seamlessly across frameworks all from a single declarative config.
How It Works
Define your model with HPO parameters in the DSL:
network HPOExample {
input: (28, 28, 1) # MNIST input
Dense(HPO(choice(128, 256))) # Sample units
Dropout(HPO(range(0.3, 0.7, step=0.1))) # Sample dropout rate
Output(10, "softmax")
optimizer: Adam(learning_rate=HPO(log_range(1e-4, 1e-2))) # Log-scale LR
train {
epochs: 10
search_method: "random" # Or "bayesian"
Run it with a single command, switching frameworks on the fly:
neural run hpo_example.neural --backend pytorch --output model_torch.py
neural run hpo_example.neural --backend tensorflow --output model_tf.py
Behind the scenes, Neural DSL:
- Parses the HPO specs into a framework-agnostic model_dict.
- Uses DynamicModel (PyTorch) or DynamicTFModel (TensorFlow) to sample parameters via Optuna.
- Evaluates trials with a unified train_model function, supporting both backends.
Here’s a peek at the magic in hpo.py:
def objective(trial, model_dict, hpo_params, train_loader, val_loader, backend='pytorch'):
lr = trial.suggest_loguniform('lr', *hpo_params['lr']['range'])
if backend == 'pytorch':
model = DynamicModel(model_dict, trial, hpo_params).to('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr)
elif backend == 'tensorflow':
model = DynamicTFModel(model_dict, trial, hpo_params)
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=lr)
val_loss, accuracy = train_model(model, optimizer, train_loader, val_loader, backend)
return val_loss
def run_hpo(model_dict, hpo_params, backend='pytorch'):
study = optuna.create_study(direction='minimize')
study.optimize(lambda trial: objective(trial, model_dict, hpo_params, *get_data(), backend), n_trials=10)
🏄🏽♂️ Why It’s Awesome
- One Config, Two Frameworks
- No more duplicating effort for PyTorch vs. TensorFlow experiments.
- Flexible HPO: Supports choice (discrete), range (linear), and log_range (log-scale) for parameters like units, rates, and learning rates.
- Scalable: Ready to extend to ONNX or JAX with minimal tweaks.
This feature came from fixing test_hpo_integration_full_pipeline (#434), where we tackled optimizer HPO parsing and 3D input shape issues. Now, it’s a cornerstone of Neural’s cross-framework vision.
👨🏿💻 Other Goodies in v0.2.3
While HPO steals the show, here’s what else I’ve been up to:
- New Layers: Added LayerNormalization, InstanceNormalization, GroupNormalization, SqueezeExcitation, and Attention to the parser (#105, #106, #107, #118, #307). More building blocks for your models!
- Parser Fixes: Squashed bugs in Concatenate, Activation, Lambda, and Embedding parameter handling (#140, #329, etc.), plus better macro and device support (#136, #327, #328).
- Validation Boost: Enhanced checks for MaxPooling2D, BatchNormalization, Dropout, and Conv2D to catch errors early (#179, #363, #367, #368).
- Error Handling: Improved VisitError wrapping with line/column details (#159) for clearer debugging.
Check the full changelog for all the nitty-gritty.
🦾 What’s Next?
Neural DSL is still a WIP bugs lurk, and features are missing (like full ONNX HPO support).
Upcoming goals:
- Stabilize macro parsing for nested blocks.
- Expand layer support (more PyTorch layers, anyone?).
- Add interactive HPO visualizations with NeuralDbg.
Got ideas or bug reports? Join me on Discord or file an issue. Feedback keeps this project alive!
👾 Join the Journey
v0.2.3 is a step toward making neural network development declarative, flexible, and debuggable.
The multi-framework HPO feature is just the beginning imagine tuning models across PyTorch, TensorFlow, and beyond with one tool.
What do you think—how would you use HPO in your projects? Drop a comment below!
Happy coding,
Twitter: @NLang4438 | Neural DSL GitHub
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