DEV Community

Discussion on: Is Ruby worth learning in 2019?

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juliette_chevalier • Edited

Ruby is a great language to learn and Ruby on Rails is a great asset for startups looking for fast prototyping and even bigger companies like the ones recurrently mentioned on the post (ie- Github,, Shopify, etc). Also- as a reminder, Airbnb & Twitter both were originally built on RoR until fairly recently, which only validates the point that it's a great asset to start your company until you scale THAAT big. No need to build an overly complex app when you have no users and don't get their needs yet..

Also, as a programmer-friendly language, I think it's extremely valuable to use Ruby to understand the basic programming concepts to greater depth, and then, if desired, to change stack, which is then a lot easier.

-- Just to point out the 'if desired'.. There are a lot of Ruby/RoR good paying jobs out there as well and with the new release of Rails 6.0 things are about to get even funner 😛🔥