DEV Community

Alain Airom
Alain Airom

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New Interface to Build Agents in Studio

The new GUI to build ReAct agents in

Image description


Building agents through a GUI becomes more integrated in the studio. The agent builder is now visible at the first glance in the’s studio at the same level as the access to the prompt lab.

The interface / functionalities breakdown

The UI is very intuitive and straightforward to use. The supported architecture is “ReAct” and the framework is “LangGraph”.

Image description

The ReAct (Reasoning and Acting) framework is a method designed to improve the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) by enabling them to interact more effectively with their environments.

Image description
Image courtesy

LangGraph is a framework designed for building stateful, multi-actor applications with Large Language Models (LLMs).

There are 6 types of tools to add to the agent.

  • Google search
  • Wikipedia search
  • DuckDuckGo search
  • Web crawler tool
  • Weather
  • and Document search (unique choice granite for now)

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Image description

One or all of the available tools could be selected.

Image description

The user can choose the LLM through the menu of the agent building studio. In this example I keep “llama-3–3–70b-instruct”.

Image description

The model parameters are to be tuned adequately.

Image description

Once all is set, the agent should be saved and there are 3 options available for saving the agent.

Image description

Once the agent is generated, as in the example above, the notebook is generated and is deployable.

import os
import getpass
import requests

def get_credentials():
    return {
        "url" : "",
        "apikey" : getpass.getpass("Please enter your api key (hit enter): ")

def get_bearer_token():
    url = ""
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
    data = f"grant_type=urn:ibm:params:oauth:grant-type:apikey&apikey={credentials['apikey']}"

    response =, headers=headers, data=data)
    return response.json().get("access_token")

credentials = get_credentials()

from ibm_watsonx_ai import APIClient

client = APIClient(credentials)

space_id = "xxxxxxx"

source_project_id = "XXXXXXXXX"

params = {
    "space_id": space_id,

def gen_ai_service(context, params = params, **custom):
    # import dependencies
    from langchain_ibm import ChatWatsonx
    from ibm_watsonx_ai import APIClient
    from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, HumanMessage
    from import WikipediaQueryRun
    from langchain_community.utilities import WikipediaAPIWrapper
    from import DuckDuckGoSearchRun
    from langchain_community.utilities import DuckDuckGoSearchAPIWrapper
    from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver
    from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent
    import json

    model = "meta-llama/llama-3-3-70b-instruct"

    service_url = ""
    # Get credentials token
    credentials = {
        "url": service_url,
        "token": context.generate_token()

    # Setup client
    client = APIClient(credentials)
    space_id = params.get("space_id")

    def create_chat_model(watsonx_client):
        parameters = {
            "frequency_penalty": 0,
            "max_tokens": 2000,
            "presence_penalty": 0,
            "temperature": 0,
            "top_p": 1

        chat_model = ChatWatsonx(
        return chat_model

    def get_schema_model(original_json_schema):
        # Create a pydantic base model class from the tool's JSON schema
        from datamodel_code_generator import DataModelType, PythonVersion
        from datamodel_code_generator.model import get_data_model_types
        from datamodel_code_generator.parser.jsonschema import JsonSchemaParser
        from typing import Optional
        from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, constr
        import json

        json_schema = json.dumps(original_json_schema)

        data_model_types = get_data_model_types(

        # Returns the python class code as a string
        parser = JsonSchemaParser(

        model_code = parser.parse()

        full_code = model_code
        namespace = {
            "Field": Field,
            "constr": constr,
            "Optional": Optional
        value = exec(full_code, namespace)
        value = exec("Model.model_rebuild()", namespace)
        pydantic_model = namespace['Model']
        return pydantic_model

    def get_remote_tool_descriptions():
        remote_tool_descriptions = {}
        remote_tool_schemas = {}
        import requests

        headers = {
            "Accept": "application/json",
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Authorization": f'Bearer {context.generate_token()}'

        tool_url = ""

        remote_tools_response = requests.get(f'{tool_url}/wx/v1-beta/utility_agent_tools', headers = headers)
        remote_tools = remote_tools_response.json()

        for resource in remote_tools["resources"]:
            tool_name = resource["name"]
            tool_description = resource["description"]
            tool_schema = resource.get("input_schema")
            remote_tool_descriptions[tool_name] = tool_description
            if (tool_schema):
                remote_tool_schemas[tool_name] = get_schema_model(tool_schema)

        return remote_tool_descriptions, remote_tool_schemas

    tool_descriptions, tool_schemas = get_remote_tool_descriptions()

    def create_remote_tool(tool_name, context):
        from import StructuredTool
        from import Tool
        import requests

        def call_tool( tool_input ):
            body = {
                "tool_name": tool_name,
                "input": tool_input

            headers  = {
                "Accept": "application/json",
                "Content-Type": "application/json",
                "Authorization": f'Bearer {context.get_token()}'

            tool_url = ""

            tool_response ='{tool_url}/wx/v1-beta/utility_agent_tools/run', headers = headers, json = body)

            if (tool_response.status_code > 400):
                raise Exception(f'Error calling remote tool: {tool_response.json()}' )

            tool_output = tool_response.json()
            return tool_response.json().get("output")

        def call_tool_structured(**tool_input):
            return call_tool(tool_input)

        def call_tool_unstructured(tool_input):
            return call_tool(tool_input)

        remote_tool_schema = tool_schemas.get(tool_name)

        if (remote_tool_schema):
            tool = StructuredTool(
                description = tool_descriptions[tool_name],
            return tool    

        tool = Tool(
            description = tool_descriptions[tool_name],
        return tool            

    def create_custom_tool(tool_name, tool_description, tool_code, tool_schema):
        from import StructuredTool
        import ast

        def call_tool(**kwargs):
            tree = ast.parse(tool_code, mode="exec")
            function_name = tree.body[0].name
            compiled_code = compile(tree, 'custom_tool', 'exec')
            namespace = {}
            exec(compiled_code, namespace)
            return namespace[function_name](**kwargs)

        tool = StructuredTool(
            description = tool_description,
        return tool

    def create_custom_tools():
        custom_tools = []

    def create_tools(inner_client, context):
        tools = []
        top_k_results = 5
        wikipedia = WikipediaQueryRun(api_wrapper=WikipediaAPIWrapper(top_k_results=top_k_results))
        max_results = 10
        search = DuckDuckGoSearchRun(api_wrapper=DuckDuckGoSearchAPIWrapper(max_results=max_results))

        tools.append(create_remote_tool("GoogleSearch", context))
        tools.append(create_remote_tool("WebCrawler", context))
        tools.append(create_remote_tool("Weather", context))
        return tools

    def create_agent(model, tools, messages):
        memory = MemorySaver()
        instructions = """
# Notes
- Use markdown syntax for formatting code snippets, links, JSON, tables, images, files.
- Any HTML tags must be wrapped in block quotes, for example ```


- When returning code blocks, specify language.
- Sometimes, things don't go as planned. Tools may not provide useful information on the first few tries. You should always try a few different approaches before declaring the problem unsolvable.
- When the tool doesn't give you what you were asking for, you must either use another tool or a different tool input.
- When using search engines, you try different formulations of the query, possibly even in a different language.
- You cannot do complex calculations, computations, or data manipulations without using tools.
- If you need to call a tool to compute something, always call it instead of saying you will call it.

If a tool returns an IMAGE in the result, you must include it in your answer as Markdown.


Tool result: IMAGE(
Markdown to return to user: ![Generated image](

You are a helpful assistant that uses tools to answer questions in detail.
When greeted, say \"Hi, I am agent. How can I help you?\""""
        for message in messages:
            if message["role"] == "system":
                instruction += message["content"]
        graph = create_react_agent(model, tools=tools, checkpointer=memory, state_modifier=instructions)
        return graph

    def convert_messages(messages):
        converted_messages = []
        for message in messages:
            if (message["role"] == "user"):
            elif (message["role"] == "assistant"):
        return converted_messages

    def generate(context):
        payload = context.get_json()
        messages = payload.get("messages")
        inner_credentials = {
            "url": service_url,
            "token": context.get_token()

        inner_client = APIClient(inner_credentials)
        model = create_chat_model(inner_client)
        tools = create_tools(inner_client, context)
        agent = create_agent(model, tools, messages)

        generated_response = agent.invoke(
            { "messages": convert_messages(messages) },
            { "configurable": { "thread_id": "42" } }

        last_message = generated_response["messages"][-1]
        generated_response = last_message.content

        execute_response = {
            "headers": {
                "Content-Type": "application/json"
            "body": {
                "choices": [{
                    "index": 0,
                    "message": {
                       "role": "assistant",
                       "content": generated_response

        return execute_response

    def generate_stream(context):
        print("Generate stream", flush=True)
        payload = context.get_json()
        headers = context.get_headers()
        is_assistant = headers.get("X-Ai-Interface") == "assistant"
        messages = payload.get("messages")
        inner_credentials = {
            "url": service_url,
            "token": context.get_token()
        inner_client = APIClient(inner_credentials)
        model = create_chat_model(inner_client)
        tools = create_tools(inner_client, context)
        agent = create_agent(model, tools, messages)

        response_stream =
            { "messages": messages },
            { "configurable": { "thread_id": "42" } },
            stream_mode=["updates", "messages"]

        for chunk in response_stream:
            chunk_type = chunk[0]
            finish_reason = ""
            usage = None
            if (chunk_type == "messages"):
                message_object = chunk[1][0]
                if (message_object.type == "AIMessageChunk" and message_object.content != ""):
                    message = {
                        "role": "assistant",
                        "content": message_object.content
            elif (chunk_type == "updates"):
                update = chunk[1]
                if ("agent" in update):
                    agent = update["agent"]
                    agent_result = agent["messages"][0]
                    if (agent_result.additional_kwargs):
                        kwargs = agent["messages"][0].additional_kwargs
                        tool_call = kwargs["tool_calls"][0]
                        if (is_assistant):
                            message = {
                                "role": "assistant",
                                "step_details": {
                                    "type": "tool_calls",
                                    "tool_calls": [
                                            "id": tool_call["id"],
                                            "name": tool_call["function"]["name"],
                                            "args": tool_call["function"]["arguments"]
                            message = {
                                "role": "assistant",
                                "tool_calls": [
                                        "id": tool_call["id"],
                                        "type": "function",
                                        "function": {
                                            "name": tool_call["function"]["name"],
                                            "arguments": tool_call["function"]["arguments"]
                    elif (agent_result.response_metadata):
                        # Final update
                        message = {
                            "role": "assistant",
                            "content": agent_result.content
                        finish_reason = agent_result.response_metadata["finish_reason"]
                        if (finish_reason): 
                            message["content"] = ""

                        usage = {
                            "completion_tokens": agent_result.usage_metadata["output_tokens"],
                            "prompt_tokens": agent_result.usage_metadata["input_tokens"],
                            "total_tokens": agent_result.usage_metadata["total_tokens"]
                elif ("tools" in update):
                    tools = update["tools"]
                    tool_result = tools["messages"][0]
                    if (is_assistant):
                        message = {
                            "role": "assistant",
                            "step_details": {
                                "type": "tool_response",
                                "tool_call_id": tool_result.tool_call_id,
                                "content": tool_result.content
                        message = {
                            "role": "tool",
                            "tool_call_id": tool_result.tool_call_id,
                            "content": tool_result.content

            chunk_response = {
                "choices": [{
                    "index": 0,
                    "delta": message
            if (finish_reason):
                chunk_response["choices"][0]["finish_reason"] = finish_reason
            if (usage):
                chunk_response["usage"] = usage
            yield chunk_response

    return generate, generate_stream
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Testing the agent.
# Initialize AI Service function locally
from ibm_watsonx_ai.deployments import RuntimeContext

context = RuntimeContext(api_client=client)

streaming = False
findex = 1 if streaming else 0
local_function = gen_ai_service(context,  space_id=space_id)[findex]
messages = []

local_question = "Change this question to test your function"

messages.append({ "role" : "user", "content": local_question })

context = RuntimeContext(api_client=client, request_payload_json={"messages": messages})

response = local_function(context)

result = ''

if (streaming):
    for chunk in response:
        print(chunk, end="\n\n", flush=True)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Deployment part.
# Look up software specification for the AI service
software_spec_id_in_project = "1629aef9-1ff8-446d-b2ac-19d55acb7ef5"
software_spec_id = ""

 software_spec_id = client.software_specifications.get_id_by_name("ai-service-v5-software-specification")
    software_spec_id = client.spaces.promote(software_spec_id_in_project, source_project_id, space_id)

# Define the request and response schemas for the AI service
request_schema = {
    "application/json": {
        "$schema": "",
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "messages": {
                "title": "The messages for this chat session.",
                "type": "array",
                "items": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {
                        "role": {
                            "title": "The role of the message author.",
                            "type": "string",
                            "enum": ["user","assistant"]
                        "content": {
                            "title": "The contents of the message.",
                            "type": "string"
                    "required": ["role","content"]
        "required": ["messages"]

response_schema = {
    "application/json": {
        "oneOf": [{"$schema":"","type":"object","description":"AI Service response for /ai_service_stream","properties":{"choices":{"description":"A list of chat completion choices.","type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"index":{"type":"integer","title":"The index of this result."},"delta":{"description":"A message result.","type":"object","properties":{"content":{"description":"The contents of the message.","type":"string"},"role":{"description":"The role of the author of this message.","type":"string"}},"required":["role"]}}}}},"required":["choices"]},{"$schema":"","type":"object","description":"AI Service response for /ai_service","properties":{"choices":{"description":"A list of chat completion choices","type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"index":{"type":"integer","description":"The index of this result."},"message":{"description":"A message result.","type":"object","properties":{"role":{"description":"The role of the author of this message.","type":"string"},"content":{"title":"Message content.","type":"string"}},"required":["role"]}}}}},"required":["choices"]}]

# Store the AI service in the repository
ai_service_metadata = {
    client.repository.AIServiceMetaNames.NAME: "Agent001",
    client.repository.AIServiceMetaNames.DESCRIPTION: "Agent001",
    client.repository.AIServiceMetaNames.SOFTWARE_SPEC_ID: software_spec_id,
    client.repository.AIServiceMetaNames.CUSTOM: {},
    client.repository.AIServiceMetaNames.REQUEST_DOCUMENTATION: request_schema,
    client.repository.AIServiceMetaNames.RESPONSE_DOCUMENTATION: response_schema,
    client.repository.AIServiceMetaNames.TAGS: ["wx-agent"]

ai_service_details = client.repository.store_ai_service(meta_props=ai_service_metadata, ai_service=gen_ai_service)

# Get the AI Service ID

ai_service_id = client.repository.get_ai_service_id(ai_service_details)

# Deploy the stored AI Service
deployment_custom = {
    "avatar_icon": "Bot",
    "avatar_color": "background",
    "placeholder_image": "placeholder2.png"
deployment_metadata = {
    client.deployments.ConfigurationMetaNames.NAME: "Agent001",
    client.deployments.ConfigurationMetaNames.ONLINE: {},
    client.deployments.ConfigurationMetaNames.CUSTOM: deployment_custom,
    client.deployments.ConfigurationMetaNames.DESCRIPTION: "Change this description to reflect your particular agent",
    client.repository.AIServiceMetaNames.TAGS: ["wx-agent"]

function_deployment_details = client.deployments.create(ai_service_id, meta_props=deployment_metadata, space_id=space_id)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Test AI Service.
# Get the ID of the AI Service deployment just created

deployment_id = client.deployments.get_id(function_deployment_details)

messages = []
remote_question = "Change this question to test your function"
messages.append({ "role" : "user", "content": remote_question })
payload = { "messages": messages }

result = client.deployments.run_ai_service(deployment_id, payload)
if "error" in result:
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

All this is inside a notebook for sure!


The agent builder interface in has evolved into an enterprise garde / production-ready interface.

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