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Google Crome shortcut keys


CTRL + T: Open a new Tab
CTRL + W: Close current tab or pop-up window
CTRL + F4: Close current tab or pop-up window
CTRL + : Open a link in a new tab
CTRL + SHIFT + T: Reopen the last tab that you closed
CTRL + 1: Go to the Number 1 Tab in Position
CTRL + 2: Go to the Number 2 Tab in Position
CTRL + 3: Go to the Number 3 Tab in Position
CTRL + 4: Go to the Number 4 Tab in Position
CTRL + 5: Go to the Number 5 Tab in Position
CTRL + 6: Go to the Number 6 Tab in Position
CTRL + 7: Go to the Number 7 Tab in Position
CTRL + 8: Go to the Number 8 Tab in Position
CTRL + 9: Go to the Last Tab in Position
CTRL + TAB: Switch to the next tab
CTRL + SHIFT + TAB: Switch to the previous tab
CTRL + PAGE DOWN: Switch to the next tab
CTRL + PAGE UP: Switch to the previous tab

Controlling Window or Page :-

ALT + F4: Close current window
ALT + HOME: Open your home page
F5: Reload the current page
ESC: Stop the current page from loading
CTRL + F5: Reload the current page, overriding the cache
SHIFT + F5: Reload the current page, overriding the cache
CTRL + U: View source code of the current page
ALT + : Download link
CTRL + F: Open the ‘Find in page’ dialog box
CTRL + G: Find the next match from ‘Find in page’ box
F3: Find the next match from ‘Find in page’ box
CTRL + SHIFT + G: Find the previous match from ‘Find in page’ box
SHIFT + F3: Find the previous match from ‘Find in page’ box
CTRL + U: View source code of the current page
CTRL + D: Bookmark the current page
CTRL + PLUS: Make text larger
CTRL + MINUS: Make text smaller
CTRL + 0: Return to default text size
BACKSPACE or ALT + LEFT ARROW: Advance to the previous page in your browsing history (for the current tab)
SHIFT + BACKSPACE or ALT + RIGHT ARROW: Advance to the next page in your browsing history (for the current tab)
CTRL + S: Save the current page to your hard drive
CTRL + C: Copy selected text or images to the Clipboard
CTRL + V or SHIFT + INSERT: Paste the current contents of the Clipboard, preserving original formatting
CTRL + SHIFT + V: Paste the current contents of the Clipboard without original formatting

URL and Address Bar Shortcuts :-

CTRL + ENTER: Automatically add www. (at the beginning) and .com (at the end) of the text currently residing in the Address (or URL) bar
CTRL + BACKSPACE: Remove whatever key term precedes the active cursor in the Address (or URL) bar
CTRL + L or ALT + D: Highlight the full URL in the Address bar
CTRL + K or CTRL + E: Enters a question mark in the Address bar. Typing a keyword or keywords following this question mark will submit the search term to your default engine.

Other Important Shortcuts :-

CTRL + SHIFT + M: Launches Avatar Menu / Profile Management
CTRL + O: Open a file in the browser
CTRL + H: View Browsing History
CTRL + B: Toggle bookmarks display
CTRL + J: View Downloads
SHIFT + ESC: View Chrome’s internal Task Manager
CTRL + P: Print the current page
CTRL + D: Bookmark the current page
ALT + E or ALT + F: Open Chrome’s “wrench”, or tools, menu
CTRL + SHIFT + B: Activate or disable the Bookmarks Bar.
F6 or SHIFT + F6: Advance through active components on the current page, or through items in Chrome’s Address bar, Bookmarks bar, or Downloads bar.
CTRL + SHIFT + J: Open Chrome’s JavaScript Console.
CTRL + SHIFT + I: Open Chrome’s Developer Tools interface.
F1: Open Chrome’s Help Center in a new tab or window.
CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE: Open the Clear Browsing Data window.

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