I use Tilix as my main terminal app on Ubuntu. I like it mainly because it’s easy to use and shows multiple sessions in tiles and tabs, so it’s easy to switch between multiple servers without too much fuss
Tilix is also pretty customizable. I just needed to have the “profile” automatically switch according to the server/machine I switch to. This can be done according to the documentation per https://gnunn1.github.io/tilix-web/manual/profileswitch/ but I wanted something configured locally, not sent to the remote system.
So I just added a function that wraps my ssh command. Here’s how it looks in my .bashrc
ssh() { SSHAPP=`which ssh`; ARGS=$@; echo "switching to $ARGS"; printf "\033]7;file://%s/\007" "$ARGS"; $SSHAPP $ARGS; }
This sets up the hostname of machine you’re logging into as the title. That’s your trigger. What remains is to create a profile and assign that profile to automatically switch when the trigger (hostname:directory, user can also be added) is set.
Go to Profiles > Edit Profile > Advanced (tab) and under Match add the hostname.
That’s about it. I’m going to add a new profile with a RED background now for my production machines! too much?
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