Hi there, The developers always use the terminal, but it is boring and has no colors or shapes.
Today we will transform our terminals into a wonder...
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I can recommend exa as a replacement for colorls

I myself recommend lsd (lsDeluxe) as the replacement
WOW, It's good, I'll try it 👍, can you tell me what is the font on the image ?
It's FiraCode with NerdFont patches

Nice, I tried exa and it's very powerful
I've got this in my .zshrc file
This is better
Yeah, I wrap all my aliases in if clauses, that way I can share my dotfiles across systems, and not worry if e.g.
isn't installed on that particular machine, I still have the originalls
Thank you so much
I think 'exa' is not working anymore (exa has been disabled because it is not maintained upstream! It was disabled on 2024-01-24.")
I gotta use 'eza' as an alternative.
Thank you for your note 🤝
Hello thanks for sharing I have an issue with it some icons is not showing what could make this issue
Hi, the problem is from the font, try
Hack nerd
orMesloLGS NF
fontsthanks for reply I have used both and the issues till there and I even downloaded the 4 fonts from their GitHub repo and install them and I can't see them
What's your system ?
And which terminal do you use ?
Mac os big sur i use the normal terminal and I have installed iterm2 and issue still with icons is there too :)
Ok, go to iTerm preferences, 👉 profiles 👉 general and paste
.after this restart iTerm2.
Make sure your font in preferences 👉 profiles 👉 text is
.Go to the terminal and type
and configure your design
Thanks Alot it fixed the issue much appreciated
Anytime bro 🤝
How are your screenshots generated?
in Windows, press Alt+Print Screen
in MacOS

also in win, you can create a selection by pressing "win + shift + S"
Shift+CTRL+Command+4 is a better way to snap selected area..and automatically copy to clipboard
Hello everyone,
I would like to present my new open source project, p10k-theme-generator. This web-based tool simplifies creating custom themes for Powerlevel10k by providing a set of color configurations as a starting point. Although it currently focuses on color options, there are many additional customization possibilities within Powerlevel10k to explore.
If you have ideas for new features, improvements to the current configurations, or usability enhancements, your input is welcome to help make this tool even more robust and useful for the community.
You can check out the project and contribute on GitHub:
Feel free to fork the repository, submit pull requests, or share your thoughts here. Let’s collaborate to enhance the Powerlevel10k experience for all users.
I look forward to your contributions and ideas.
It's nice, thank you!
glad to help
Thank you a lot ths is the first time I can do this I'm so happy thank for you help
❤ glad for help you
Thank you for the exa ls. Really helpful! 😊
@ombratteng @abdfn
I am not able to get exa working with alias ls.
I ahve added the if stmt you had provided but still ls doesnt print exa's style.
I am on macos big sur with iterm.
execute this command
Salut, j'ai eu un problème parce que oh mon zsh montre un caractère bizarre '?' sur mon terminal sous Ubuntu WSL2.
Je recommande le tutoriel Youtube suivant "HOW TO install powerlevel10k for zsh/oh-my-zsh WITH Nerd Fonts inside WSL" qui montre comment installer "Meslo Nerd Font" sur Windows ce qui résout le problème.
Hello There ,
Amazing job.
My only issue is that I cannot see the icons on bitbucket or github when in repo
Everything else i working perfectly.
Set up is Pop OS with the default terminal!
broken instruction, p10k is not found. I'll go through source page.
i followed each steps but i can not read anythin in the terminal ? is occuring