DEV Community

Discussion on: What is your database of choice?

abdisalan_js profile image

It really depends!

ACID Transactions + clear schema and enforced relationships between schema? PostgresQL or MySQ (probably just postgres haha)

Analytics + Performance for querying business logic? A Columnar Database.

Need to store documents? MongoDB or S3

Need super high performance? Cassandra

Need just key-value store? Use CouchDB or DynamoDB if you got the $$

garretharp profile image

What do you mean by if you have the money Dynamo? Dynamo is a super well priced database and its pay for what you use. Super super nice stuff.

abdisalan_js profile image

Good question, while it’s well priced I’ve experienced sudden spikes in price which sucked

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garretharp profile image

Weird dynamo has really stable pricing of course prices will go up with usage so if you randomly spike the database at one point it will spike but other than that you can scale it up and down without having to do anything on your end so you are always paying the lowest price possible.