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abdelrahman seada
abdelrahman seada

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Simple yet powerful react table component

Simple yet Powerful React Table Component

In the ever-evolving landscape of front-end development, having efficient and customizable components is crucial for building robust applications. Today, I'm excited to introduce "Gadwal," a simple yet powerful React table component that can enhance your data presentation effortlessly.


Gadwal stands out with the following features:

  • Customizable Columns: Define the structure and content of your table with ease.
  • Custom Rendering for Each Cell: Tailor the display of data in each cell to suit your needs.
  • Tailwind CSS Support: Seamlessly integrate with Tailwind CSS for consistent styling.
  • open source


import React from 'react';
import Table from 'gadwal';

const data = [
    id: 1,
    name: "Leanne Graham",
    username: "Bret",
    email: "",
    website: "",
    phone: "1-770-736-8031 x56442",
    company: {
      name: "Romaguera-Crona",
      catchPhrase: "Multi-layered client-server neural-net",
      bs: "harness real-time e-markets",

const table = [
  { header: "id", name: "id", size: 2 },
  { header: "name", name: "name", size: 5 },
  { header: "email", name: "email", size: 5 },
  { header: "website", name: "website", size: 4 },
  { header: "phone", name: "phone", size: 4 },
  { header: "company", name: "company", size: 4, custom: (d) => },

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="flex w-full">
      <Table data={data} table={table} />

export default App;
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output of the table component

it can do more complex tables

import Table, { GadwalRow } from 'gadwal';
import { teammates, TeamMatesSchema } from './data.test';
import { _date } from '@helpers/date.helpers';

const userStatus = {
    "invited" : <div className='text-[#063EF8] bg-[#063EF8]/10 w-fit px-3 py-1 rounded-md  '> invited</div> ,
    "active" : <div className='text-[#00A774] bg-[#00A774]/10 w-fit px-3 py-1 rounded-md  '> active</div> ,
    "inactive" : <div className='text-[#A70027] bg-[#A70027]/10 w-fit px-3 py-1 rounded-md  '> inactive</div>

export default function Test() {

    const table: GadwalRow<TeamMatesSchema>[] = [
        { header : "email" , name : "email" , size : 7, custom : d =>{
            return <div className='flex items-center'>
                <div className="w-[50px] h-[50px] rounded-full  overflow-hidden mr-2">
                    <img src="" alt="profile" className="w-full h-full rounded-full object-cover" />
                <div className="flex-1">
                    <p className="capitalize mb-0 text-black">abdelrahman seada</p>
                    <p className="capitalize mb-0">{}</p>

        } },
        { header : "status" , name : "status" , size : 4 , custom : d => userStatus[d.status] }, 
        { header : "role" , name :"type" , size : 4 , custom : d => <span className='capitalize'>{d.type.split(":")[1]}</span> },
        { header : "invited date" , name : "updated_at" , size : 4 , custom : d => _date(d.updated_at).local() }

  return (
        bodyProps={{ className : "border-b-[1px] items-center h-[90px] !p-0"  }}
        headerProps={{ className : "border-b-[1px] items-center cap   h-[90px]"  }}
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output table

test table output

typescript support

if we have an interface of our data like the following

export interface TeamMatesSchema {
    status: "invited" | "active" | "inactive";
    user_name: string;
    _id: string;
    type: string;
    email: string;
    updated_at: string;

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using Generic GadwalRow will help you to know what is the data looks like in the name key (which should match the data key between table and api data to display it)

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ts name support

also for custom cell rendering

custom cell rendering ts support


props usage required default
data table data that is going to be rendred true -
table coulums of the table each represents a cell true -
fixedHeight to force each table row to a fixed height (50px) false true
animated animate table content false false
stripped make table rows stripped false true
bodyProps to pass custom styles , classes , ...etc all div attributes to each row of data false {}
headerProps to pass custom styles , classes , ...etc all div attributes to only table head false {}
bodyCellProps to pass custom styles , classes , ...etc all div attributes to each row cells of data false {}
headerCellProps to pass custom styles , classes , ...etc all div attributes to only table head cells false {}


with props bodyProps, headerProps, bodyCellProps, headerCellProps you can pass any kind of attributes that could be passed to a normal html div element for the whole row (bodyProps) or each cell in the row (bodyCellProps) also for table header (headerProps) or each cell in the header (headerCellProps) , attributes like classes id onClick and and many more...


log output

and many more it's up to your creativity and imaginations

more about installation and configuration on npm gadwal page gadwal on npm

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