In this article I will try to teach how to create a dynamic table in react.
Ya I know its quite simple, but this tutorial is for beginners and a be...
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Nice Post But how do someone Put this type of Object in a Table ? {
Australia: 1
Burma: 2
Canada: 3
China: 1
Cyprus: 1
Egypt: 3
France: 2
Greece: 1
Iran (Persia): 1
Isle of Man: 1
Japan: 1
Norway: 1
Russia: 4
Singapore: 1
Somalia: 1
Thailand: 4
Turkey: 2
United Arab Emirates: 1
United Kingdom: 8
United States: 28}
Object.keys(yourObject).map(obj => (
use this method it will solve your problem.
You can do two things.
I think I will go with the first option. But will I be able to add the unique name and ID then
Yes you can further spread the object or array. Read about spread operator
Alright Thanks
Can someone please help me with this
After looking at your code it looks easy to me now 😀, I am trying to create table too, but I don't have table data, what I have is row no and column no and based on them I am tring to generate empty table for input, the problem which I am facing is creating header, do you have any suggestions for that ??, I really need some help
You mean let's say you want to generate 3×4 table?
I am not really sure but you can store rows and columns numbers into variable and based on that generate the table.
Yes, I am able to generate rows, but facing issue with creation of headers and then storing tables value in to variable in form of list of dictionary,
Below is the part which is I am trying to build.
Hey im glad to start the discussion once again, I want to edit the row field may be by one time click on the row or having a separate button ,Can you explain to make it happen.
It depends on your approach. How do you want to edit? Do you have input fields for edit row data? I mean the same input fields which will be used to add and edit data, and the second approach is to convert the same row's td into input field
Yes , in the same implementation of you, can you just start the basics
this repo may help github.com/AbdulBasit313/React-Typ... instead of
I am using list here.It's cool btw, but my case is to just edit the tr on a button click and update the state
What do you want to happen on clicking button? where do you want to write edit data?
In the td itself
Hello 👋
Thanks for sharing! 👍
Recently I created a solution for dynamic table using functional components, so if you are interested you can go and check it. 😊
how to create a table like
| Name | 1/1/2020 | 2/1/2020 | 3/1/2020 | 4/1/2020 | ........... (can be any number of dates)header
| Raj | RajData | RajData | RajData | RajData | ............(data as per date for this name)body
| . | X Data | X Data | X Data | X Data | ............(data as per date for this name)body
names are dynamic too so please help me to solve this type of table structure in reactjs
please help i have no clue for this kind of table as i am beginner
u can go with MUI Data Tables they are easy to implement and more flexible to handle bulk data
Hi Abdul, Thanks for the tutorial appreciated your work..I am having an issue to be resolved let me know how will you destruct and array of objects which are having key values with space in between for example
const {Stock symbol,Stock name,No of share,Buy price,Current price,Profit Loss}= a;
its throwing error like identified expected
the example u have used all are single words for key like id,name,age,email...
also explain for two words like first name?
Let me know if it helps...
hello please help me for this error
import React, { useState } from "react";
import "./AddUser.css";
import {
} from "../../shared/util/validator";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
import * as userService from "./service";
const AddUser = () => {
const [formState, setFormaState] = useState({
errors: [],
users: [],
// class addUser extends Component {
// componentDidMount() {
// userService
// .getUsers()
// .then((response) => this.setFormaState({ users: response.data }));
// }
// }
// componentDidMount() {
// }
const addUserSubmitHandler = (event) => {
const errors = validateForm();
const validators = {
code: [validatorRequire(), validatorNumber()],
fname: [validatorRequire()],
lname: [validatorRequire()],
phone: [validatorRequire(), validatorNumber()],
fee: [validatorRequire(), validatorNumber()],
const farsiNames = {
code: "کد",
fname: "نام",
lname: "نام خانوادگی",
phone: "شماره تماس",
fee: "دستمزد",
const changeHandler = (e) => {
const user = {};
const name = e.target.name;
const value = e.target.value;
user[name] = value;
const errors = validate(value, validators[name], farsiNames[name]);
user: { ...formState.user, ...user },
const validateForm = () => {
let errors = [];
const fields = Object.keys(farsiNames);
for (let field of fields) {
const fieldErrors = validate(
formState.user ? formState.user[field] : undefined,
errors = errors.concat(fieldErrors);
return (
{formState.errors.map((error, index) => (
className="code form-control m-2 col-md-1 d-block"
export default AddUser;
error = react-dom.development.js:11102 Uncaught TypeError: formState.users.map is not a function
at AddUser (AddUser.js:157)
Please ask this question on stackoverflow
Thanks for the tutorial. I'm a react beginner.
My question is, what if the number of column is unknown too?
Thanks again
Here you go... you just need to change
function with below code. Let me know if it helps...Thank you!
Thank you,
How can I hide the first column?
Thank you very much...!! It is very helpful.
can you please share an api implementation of this using axios.
I am almost done with a draft, will publish in a day or two...
Still Waiting
hi abdul ,
in advance thanks for your clear code, i have a question
i have one array that include fore example 10 field that each field has many information , i want to show each field in one table ,it means if i have 10 field in array show in 10 table saparately . thanks alot
Hi Abdul Basit, this is very helpful to me. Thank you!
How can I add rows to table dynamically? For example, if I create a table for a customer that have unknown number phone devices. So if a customer have 2 phone devices, we should have 2 rows, and if 3 phone devices, we should have 3 rows, etc.
Would you be able to show us how to add rows to a table?
The key is supposed to be consistent between renders, random generated is a very bad solution.
Better use the array index if you don't have an unique identifier.
hmmm... nice catch. fixed
hey man i have doubt in this how do i contact you?
Suppose we want structure like "jsfiddle.net/cyril123/3n8xv3hL/" , how implement complex data with rowspan in react. Searched material-table but no luck it doesn't support complex data(material-table.com/).
What if we want to render row from the data from the input field?
For that we will use another function called addData that will be called on clicking submit button, and we will add input data to our object using spread operator.
Ya it's a task given by my manager, finished it.i used a form with input fields and on submit I got the value by document.getelementbyid and pushed into the state object and rendered it as a seperate row and also added a delete functionality by filter out by the id prop.Btw great article!
Why did you use document.getElementById? In react we use e.target.value
Ya its cool,but i had more input fields in the form and I struggled to manage them,can you come up with a solution, [e,target.name]?
How can I add buttons to each row [For example Buttons could be View, Edit, Delete ]
Inside renderTableData method.
this may help...
how to add search and sorting in the table
u can go with MUI Data Tables they are awesome
You can use ant design for that. By the way I have plan to update this article in couple of days.
How can I reach you regarding app development. Thanks
Thanks Abdul Basit for this tutorial, it helped me out, I have spend over 3 hours trying to render data from json on a table correctly. Thanks again.
Thanks ton. This post is really helpful for me.
He Abdul Basit,thanks for the very helpfull tutorial .How can i map a simple array[0,1....,8] in a table(3X3).
You need to write conditions inside your method...
thanks Abdul Basit.
so i need two for loops as usual in js
Easy to follow! it helped me a lot. thanks!
any solution to achive this?
How can I add CRUD BTns in each row.
Also how can I status coloum with proper colours, like for active green and inactive red
nice article. However, your renderTableCell method should be dynamic as well, similar to what you've done with header.
the inner return statement should be like what you see in the screenshot
if i just show Id, name only and when this datatable made nd in that if i click 2 nd no.
of id then it goes to next page nd show full data??????
Very helpful article.
But I want to fetch data from an API instead of this Array of object, can you tell me how?
Read my other article
How do I renderTableData without refreshing whenever there's new data added to the state?
How you are adding new data? you just need to use spread operator if you are adding data locally. like [...oldState, newObj]
if i need to create a empty table of 10 rows where user can input data as form and submit the whole table to mobx store. how do i do it?
brother, I need help regarding the quilljs? can you help me out?
Sorry, I never worked with quill. so no idea... if you want to know something related react I am here.
Thanks for the Totorial, well explained!
Where Can I find the other features "like sorting, adding and removing data" you mentioned above.
Can I get the link of that Tutorial.
So no follow up? : )
please, how can i just show specific columns, for example in the exercise I just want to see the Name and the Age
You used too many ids. Be careful
Thank you, great code, easy to follow!!
Can u give some example for implementing the dynamic table for multiple tables