DEV Community

Abdul Rehman Nadeem
Abdul Rehman Nadeem

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Leveraging the Power of PostgreSQL and Apache AGE for Graph Data Management

Hello community! Today, lets talk about two powerful tools that, when combined, can significantly enhance data management capabilities: PostgreSQL and Apache AGE (incubating).


PostgreSQL is a robust, open-source relational database system. PostgreSQL's advanced features include complex queries, foreign keys, views, transactional integrity, and multiversion concurrency control.

But what if we want to handle graph data? That's where Apache AGE comes into play.


Apache AGE (A Graph Extension) is an incubating project that adds graph database functionality to PostgreSQL. It extends PostgreSQL, allowing it to store, query, and process graph data. AGE is based on the openCypher Query Language, enabling developers familiar with SQL to quickly adapt to the graph model.

Combining PostgreSQL and Apache AGE

By combining PostgreSQL's robustness and Apache AGE's graph processing capabilities, we can handle complex data relationships more intuitively and efficiently. Here's a simple example of how to create a graph and run a graph query using AGE:

-- Load the AGE extension
LOAD 'age';
SET search_path = ag_catalog, "$user", public;

-- Create a graph
SELECT create_graph('my_graph');

-- Insert vertices and edges into the graph
INSERT INTO my_graph
VALUES (1, 'John', 'Person'),
       (2, 'Doe', 'Person'),
       (3, NULL, 'Friendship');

-- Run a graph query
SELECT * FROM cypher('my_graph', $$ 
  MATCH (a:Person)-[:Friendship]->(b:Person) 
  RETURN a, b 
$$) AS (a agtype, b agtype);
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In this example, we first load the AGE extension and create a graph. We then insert two 'Person' vertices and a 'Friendship' edge into the graph. Finally, we run a graph query that finds all pairs of people who are friends.


The combination of PostgreSQL and Apache AGE provides a powerful tool for managing both relational and graph data. This allows developers to leverage the strengths of both relational and graph databases in a single, unified system.

Happy coding!

postgresql #apacheage

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