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Becoming a Frontend Developer in 100 Days: A Step-by-Step Guide

Abishek Haththakage on April 09, 2023

Frontend development is an exciting and growing field that involves creating user interfaces for websites and applications. With the demand for fro...
simplemind profile image

100 days is quite optimistic. The process is more or less correct.
It takes time to grasp CSS responsive layouts and animations, also JavaScript DOM manipulation and React. I would even say building projects is the only method useful to becoming a developer. Use tutorials only to learn new technologies and then build build build. Otherwise there is a danger of ending up in tutorial purgatory - a situation where you feel confident from building projects with a help of a tutorial but retaining no knowledge.
I would say those who want to become frontend developers expect to constantly learn a get better. Start from simple projects and gradually work towards slightly more complex. Build a project using a technology learnt to grasp knowledge. Once your projects look and work like developer projects then you are a developer.

abhixsh profile image
Abishek Haththakage

Yes, you are right. first, we want to learn theory. after that, if we want to become a developer, we should always do projects. It not only helps us to study but also to find a job.

bitbreakr profile image
bitbreakr • Edited

Ahahaha, I have seen a video on youtube with similar optimistic title. I have written a comment about how irrealistic as you need to know programming paradigms. OP of the video was not really happy about the comment.

abhixsh profile image
Abishek Haththakage • Edited

Thanks for your comment. I have only given a basic idea here. I am creating an article about the activities that need to be done. Will post it soon. And those who need more details can get more details through the links given in this article. Thank you !

mikhasev profile image
Mikhail Mikhasev

For me personally on my frontend journey the best option became Scrimba. Simply grasping concepts by doing things. Constantly. I came from a humanities background. It's easy to read a book and distill it to a few concepts. Here there are too many concepts, too specific, too much information. Interconnected, outdated, updated, oversimplified, over distilled, overcomplicated. My head literally exploded when I started.

Best case scenario would be finding a mentor or a program which introduces you to concepts gradually. You just don't have to be Git-savvy knowing how to do "git rebase" on the second month of your journey. Netlify Drop and GitHub desktop will do it for you. If you know what I mean...
For me, the most important part was to cross the "plateau of despair" when you realize that there is too much to grasp to get overwhelmed easily.

Small bites of success do the job. Especially when you're witch careers and in your mid 30-ies. (Said 38y/o me :D)

Good luck to all the noobs.

yucongo profile image

Thanks for sharing. I would really emphasize that link (The 100 days plan that I follow 16 front-end projects) a bit more. A casual reading of the article might easily miss the link, which could give the impression of clickbait.

webduvet profile image

that's good, I should have followed your guide. 10 years in and still learning to do it.

abhixsh profile image
Abishek Haththakage

Thanks for your comment. I wish you all the best for your future dev life.

tolu1123 profile image
tolu1123 • Edited

I am not actually sure of this 100 days learning curve. But yet I am sure it could work for some but maybe not all.
As an unserious person, I started learning HTML and CSS starting in March 1st and now in April 14(that is 45days if I am correct) I am almost done with learning CSS. I have learnt animations and the likes and could be said to have some good grasp on CSS. Though I have not learnt grid, grid templates and SASS.

I know learning React or Angular is out of the 100 days time frame, but could I possibly understand JavaScript in 55 days the same way I understand CSS?

windyaaa profile image
Windya Madushani

Great article.

dfaure57 profile image
Daniel Faure

I guess eternal power supply is also possible.

adesoji1 profile image

Wow, in 100 days? Are you a testament of this?

codeofrelevancy profile image
Code of Relevancy

Great article 🌈

clericcoder profile image
Abdulsalaam Noibi

Thanks for sharing your idea

yekyam profile image
Manuel Mateo

Only 100 days? Whenever I see those claims, I always think of this article:

ojara profile image

Thanks for this informative article 👍❤️

abhixsh profile image
Abishek Haththakage

Thank you !!

prakash_dev profile image

Thanks for the article

edicarlossilva profile image
Edi Carlos

Is there some way to work in a project with no pay? Like a freelancer, but with no pay.

abhixsh profile image
Abishek Haththakage

Yes, I have indicated some projects above. And you can find a large number of projects online. After you learn about the language and tool, you can create the project. You can show your project through GitHub and Behance after that apply to a startup company. You can get an excellent job through the experience gained from it. good luck to u.

josephblanda829056 profile image
Joseph Blanda

Wow, 100 days is really optimistic

sergeyleschev profile image
Sergey Leschev

The advice is practical and realistic, emphasizing the importance of regular practice, building projects, seeking feedback, networking with other developers, staying up-to-date with technological advancements, being patient, and persistent. This approach is not only effective but also empowering and motivating, ensuring that developers maintain their drive and passion for the field. As such, I would encourage anyone interested in becoming a frontend developer to follow this guide and dedicate themselves to its principles.

kay_bee_dev profile image
Kay Bee

It takes way longer than 100 days. I don't understand this push to make what we do for a living seem easy as it sets unrealistic expectations for people. Its annoying how much articles like this cheapen what we do for a living, guess you need dem clicks though

ahsansabir_ profile image
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