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Lazy loading in react

Hello guys,

In this article we will see what is lazy loading and how can we lazy load a component.

Lazy loading means loading a component when it is required.

Let's consider a scenario where we have a list of persons and when we click on any of them, a dialog opens which shows the details about the person. Now this dialog opens only when we click the persons. Let's compare this scenario with the definition of lazy loading. Dialog component is not required when we are displaying the list of persons. It is required only when we click on any of the persons. So we can lazy load the Dialog component.

Let's name this Dialog as PersonDetails component and let's lazy load it.

To do lazy load, we can either use lazy provided by react or we can use some other npm libraries. I am going to use @loadable/component.

Let's install @lodable/component first.

npm i @loadable/component;
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Below is our App.js component. I have used create-react-app to create the project.

import './App.css';
import { useState } from 'react';
import loadable from '@loadable/component';
// **Without lazy loading**
// import PersonDetails from './components/PersonDetails';

// **With lazy loading**
const PersonDetails = loadable(() => import('./components/PersonDetails'),
{ fallback: <div>Loading...</div> });

const persons = [
    name: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    dob: '15th June 1990',
    place: 'London',
    contry: 'The Great Britain',
    contact: '123456'
    name: 'Jane',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    dob: '15th July 1990',
    place: 'London',
    contry: 'The Great Britain',
    contact: '654321'
    name: 'Frank',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    dob: '15th August 1992',
    place: 'New York',
    contry: 'USA',
    contact: '123456'

function App() {
  const [person, setPerson] = useState(null);
  const handleClick = (person) => () => {

  const handleClose = () => {

  return (
    <div className="App">
      { => {
        return (
          <div key={} className='person' onClick={handleClick(person)}>
            {' '}
      {person && <PersonDetails person={person} onClose={handleClose} />}

export default App;

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As you can see how I am using @loadable/component to lazy load PersonDetails component.

const PersonDetails = loadable(() => import('./components/PersonDetails'),
{ fallback: <div>Loading...</div> });
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Now why lazy load and how does it affect our application.

Without lazy load we would include the PersonDetails component in the bundle.js thereby increasing the bundle size where with lazy load we extract the PersonDetails to another chunk which gets loaded only when we click on the person list.

Below image shows how everything was bundled into one js(bundle.js) (without lazy loading).
Without lazy loading

Below image shows how we extracted PersonDetails into a separate js chunk (with lazy loading) and it gets loaded only after we click on the person list.
With lazy loading

Here is the github lazy loading

That's all for this article.
Thank you for reading.

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