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abishkar bhattarai
abishkar bhattarai

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Payout Status Remains "Processing" in Test Mode Using /v1/payouts API #313

Hello Razorpay Community,
I've been integrating Razorpay's payouts API ( into our system and conducting tests in the test environment. After initiating a payout successfully, I've noticed that the payout status is consistently marked as "Processing" and does not change to "Processed."
Here's a brief overview of the steps I've followed:

Used the /v1/payouts endpoint to create a payout.
The request is successful, and the payout is created with a status of "Processing."
However, even after waiting, the status does not update to "Processed."
I understand that this is the test environment, and actual fund transfers aren't taking place. My questions are:
Is it expected behavior in the test environment for the payout status to remain "Processing" without changing to "Processed"?
Are there any steps I can take to simulate the status change to "Processed" for testing purposes?
Does Razorpay provide any mechanism or endpoint in the test mode to manually update or simulate different payout statuses?
We are currently not testing in live mode and want to ensure our integration handles all potential statuses correctly. Any guidance or insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your assistance.

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