This is My Makefile to create all the stuff i need. At the end i do upload all what is inside the lambda Folder (Code + 2 Layers)
.DEFAULT_GOAL:=helpHELP_TARGET_DEPTH?=\#.PHONY:helphelp:# Show how to get started & what targets are available@printf"This is a list of all the make targets that you can run, e.g. $(BOLD)make dagger$(NORMAL) - or $(BOLD)m dagger$(NORMAL)\n\n"@awk-F':+ |$(HELP_TARGET_DEPTH)''/^[0-9a-zA-Z._%-]+:+.+$(HELP_TARGET_DEPTH).+$$/ { printf "$(GREEN)%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$3 }'$(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort@echoinstall:clean # Format all files (terraform fmt --recursive .)
python3.9 -m pip install-t python/lib/python3.9/site-packages selenium==4.5.0 --upgrade
python3.9 -m pip install-t python/lib/python3.9/site-packages wget --upgrade
curl -SL >
curl -SL >
mkdir-p lambda
zip -9-r lambda/ python
zip -9-r lambda/ chromedriver headless-chromium
rm-f chromedriver headless-chromium
build:# Create all layers to upload to the Lambda Function
zip -9-r lambda/
clean:rm-rf lambda python
I have the configuration propose on the edited version of the article but I get the same error. I created all the version on an amazon linux using the python3.9 command like in the example but I keep getting the same error.
Hi Dear...were you able to get resolution of this issue. I am getting the same issue in my lambda.
Please share the resolution as I am completely stuck.
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Hey @jairaencio
Hello everyone, thanks for the guide. but it seems to me that this method no longer works without a Dockerimage.
I keep getting the error:
Python 3.9
Selenium 4.5.0
chromedriver 106.0.5249.61
headless-chromium v1.0.0-57
This is My Makefile to create all the stuff i need. At the end i do upload all what is inside the lambda Folder (Code + 2 Layers)
And here is a overview of my python script:
Is there another way to run it directly in a lambda without a docker image?
Best Regards
I have the configuration propose on the edited version of the article but I get the same error. I created all the version on an amazon linux using the python3.9 command like in the example but I keep getting the same error.
Did you find any solution?
Yes it needs an special tool inside the docker image. I wil post it here today as soon as im on my computer
did you find any solution, please?
Great take on this achin💪 I still havent gotten back on this but your method of using dockerimage is very useful for everyone as well 👏🏽
Hi Dear...were you able to get resolution of this issue. I am getting the same issue in my lambda.
Please share the resolution as I am completely stuck.