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a c sreedhar reddy
a c sreedhar reddy

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Why make illegal states impossible to represent?

This is a continuation to

React Component is a function that takes in props, state and returns the view for that particular state and props.

f(props,state) => view
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So our component has to handle all the possible types of props and states.

Let us create a Post component:

function Post({ id }) {
  const [{ loading, error, data }, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, {
    loading: true,
    error: null,
    data: null,
  useEffect(/* Load the data */);

  return (
      {loading && <Loading />}
      {error && <Error />}
      {data && <Body data={data} />}
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We wanted the component to either render Loading or Error or Body component.

But the issue with this component is:

  • The Component would render both the Loading component and Data component when the state is {loading: true, data: "...", error: null}.

Why does this happen?

The total number of possible states for the above component are

2(loading true | false) * 2(data | null) * 2(error | null) = 8 states

Of these 8 states only three are valid states

  1. {loading: true, data: null, error: null} when the data is loading.
  2. {loading: false, data:{...}, error: null} when the data is loaded.
  3. {loading: false, data: null, error: {...}} when there is an error.

When the state is anything other than the above three, our component renders an inconsistent View.

I could think of two ways to prevent invalid states:

  1. Write code more carefully so that we would never have inconsistent states. But we would not be 100% sure.
  2. Make illegal states impossible to represent so that this type of state {loading: true, data: {...}, error: null } is impossible to create.

How can we Make illegal states impossible to represent?

We can achieve this with the help of Sum Type in a type system.

type state = 
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It is called as an Union(TypeScript), Variant(ReScript).

So now the state could be one of the above three types. Then the total number of possible types of states come down to

1(Loading) + 1(Error) + 1(Data) = 3 states.

Since we have made illegal states impossible to represent, State will always be a valid one and we just have to create a React component which deals with three types of states.

The component becomes

type state = 

function Post({ id }) {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, {
    type: "Loading",
  useEffect(/* Load the data */);

  switch (state.type) {
    case "Loading":
      return <Loading />;
    case "Error":
      return <Error />;
    case "Data":
      return <Data data={} />;
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Here we reduced the possible states from 8 to 3. But in our real-world scenarios, the numbers would be much larger than these and by reducing the possible states we reduce the complexity of the component.

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