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Geek Ink Progress Discussions with Giscus

What I built

At Geek Ink, we believe in the power of collaboration and community-driven learning. That's why we're excited to announce a new feature on our platform—interactive discussions powered by Giscus. With this latest addition, Geek Ink becomes an even more engaging and inclusive space for learners to connect, share ideas, and collaborate on their tech journeys

Category Submission: DIY Deployments

App Link



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By leveraging GitHub Discussions through Giscus, we harness the power of a robust and familiar platform. GitHub is widely recognized as a hub for collaboration and open-source contributions. By bringing discussions directly to Geek Ink, we tap into this existing ecosystem, making it easier for learners to engage, contribute, and build a strong community around our platform.

Link to Source Code

source code

Permissive License

MIT License

Background (What made you decide to build this particular app? What inspired you?)

I believe that by embracing collaboration and harnessing the power of discussions, we can unlock new opportunities for growth and empower learners to achieve their goals.

How I built it (How did you utilize GitHub Actions or GitHub Codespaces? Did you learn something new along the way? Pick up a new skill?)

I utilized GitHub Actions to automatically build and deploy changes to the Geek Ink website whenever new content or updates were pushed to the repository. This streamlined the deployment process, allowing me to focus more on creating valuable content and less on manual deployment tasks

Secondly, I incorporated GitHub Discussions into Geek Ink using the Giscus commenting system. By leveraging GitHub Discussions, I tapped into the existing ecosystem of collaboration and open-source contributions.

Throughout the process of building Geek Ink and implementing these features, I learned valuable skills in configuring GitHub Actions workflows and integrating GitHub Discussions. I gained insights into automating deployment processes and managing collaborative discussions on GitHub. This experience broadened my understanding of using GitHub as a powerful platform for development and community engagement

not only enhanced the functionality of Geek Ink but also picked up new skills and expanded my knowledge in utilizing these tools effectively.

Additional Resources/Info

As I continue to develop and improve Geek Ink, I look forward to exploring more features and tools provided by GitHub, expanding my skill set, and delivering an exceptional learning experience to our community.

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