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Micro frontends

Micro frontends is a software architecture approach that aims to decompose a large, monolithic frontend application into smaller, independent components that can be developed, tested, and deployed independently. This approach is similar to the concept of microservices, which decomposes a large, monolithic backend application into smaller, independent services.

One of the main motivations for using micro frontends is to improve the maintainability and scalability of frontend applications. By breaking a large frontend application into smaller components, teams can work on different parts of the application in parallel, reducing dependencies and improving collaboration. This can also make it easier to add new features and make changes to the application, as teams can work on individual components without affecting the rest of the application.

Another benefit of micro frontends is that it allows teams to use different technologies and frameworks for different components. For example, a team working on a user profile component may choose to use React, while a team working on a checkout component may choose to use Angular. This can be beneficial because it allows teams to use the tools and frameworks that are best suited for their specific tasks, rather than being limited to a single technology stack.

Micro frontends also have some challenges and drawbacks. One of the main challenges is coordinating the different components and ensuring that they work together seamlessly. This can require additional effort and coordination, as teams need to ensure that their components are compatible and can communicate with each other.

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