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Adewumi Saheed Adewale
Adewumi Saheed Adewale

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Cloud Management Console vs Cloud Management CLI Platform

A Cloud Management Console is a web-based interface provided by cloud service providers (e.g., Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure) to allow users and organizations to manage and administer their cloud resources and services. This console is a central hub for configuring, monitoring, and optimizing cloud-based infrastructure and applications. Here are some common features and functionalities you can typically find in a Cloud Management Console:

Using a Cloud Management Console offers several advantages for individuals and organizations that leverage cloud computing services. These advantages can help streamline operations, improve efficiency, enhance security, and optimize costs. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Centralized Control: Cloud Management Consoles provide a single, centralized interface to manage all cloud resources and services. This simplifies administration by eliminating the need to navigate multiple tools or interfaces.

  • Ease of Use: Most Cloud Management Consoles are designed to be user-friendly, making it easier for both technical and non-technical users to manage cloud resources without requiring in-depth technical expertise.

  • Resource Scalability: Users can easily provision and scale cloud resources up or down as needed to accommodate changing workloads, ensuring optimal resource utilization and cost efficiency.

  • Security Management: Cloud Management Consoles often include robust identity and access management (IAM) features, allowing organizations to control who can access and modify cloud resources, enhancing security.

  • Cost Control: Cloud Management Consoles offer tools for monitoring resource usage and costs. Users can set budgets, receive cost alerts, and optimize resource allocation to control cloud spending effectively.

  • Automation: Many consoles support automation through scripts or templates, enabling the automatic provisioning and configuration of resources, reducing manual intervention and potential errors.

  • Monitoring and Alerts: Users can monitor the health and performance of their cloud resources in real-time. Alerts and notifications can be set up to detect and respond to issues promptly.

  • Resource Optimization: Cloud Management Consoles often include recommendations and insights on optimizing resource usage, improving cost-efficiency, and enhancing application performance.

  • Marketplace Access: Cloud marketplaces within the consoles offer a wide range of third-party applications and services that can be easily integrated into existing cloud environments.

Cloud Management CLI

A Cloud Management CLI (Command-Line Interface) is a text-based interface provided by cloud service providers that allows users to interact with and manage their cloud resources and services using text commands. It is an alternative to graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and is especially popular among developers, system administrators, and DevOps professionals who prefer command-line tools for scripting, automation, and more advanced configurations.

Read more about Cloud CLI in my previous post

How to get started Cloud Management Console (GCP USE-CASE) vs Cloud Management CLI Platform (Google Cloud Platform)

Sign up or Sign In for a GCP Account (Organization or Individual Account):

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If you don't already have a GCP account, visit the Google Cloud Platform website ( or and sign up for a GCP account.

You'll need to provide billing information, but Google often offers a free trial with a $300 credit to get you started.
Create a GCP Project:

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Click on the project dropdown menu (located near the top of the page) and select "New Project."
Follow the prompts to create a new GCP project. Projects help
organize and manage resources.
Enable Billing:

Before you can use GCP resources, make sure billing is enabled for your project. You may need to set up a billing account or link an existing one.
Navigate to the Cloud Console:

Once your project is created and billing is set up, you can access the Cloud Management Console.
From the GCP Console homepage, click on the "Navigation Menu" (☰) in the top left corner, and under the "Management Tools" section, select "Cloud Console."

Explore the Cloud Console:

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Once you're in the Cloud Console, you can explore its features and resources.
You'll see a dashboard that provides an overview of your project's resources and activity.
Create and Manage Resources:

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Use the Cloud Console to create and manage cloud resources such as virtual machines, databases, storage buckets, and more.
You can use the navigation menu on the left to access various GCP services & access CLI in GCP Console

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How to Get started with GCP CLI

  • Install the Google Cloud SDK:

Go to the Google Cloud SDK download page and download the appropriate installer for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).

Follow the installation instructions provided for your specific operating system to install the Google Cloud SDK.

  • Initialize the SDK:

After installation, open a terminal or command prompt on your computer.
Run the following command to initialize the Google Cloud SDK and authenticate with your GCP account:

gcloud init
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

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Others helpful command

You can access the official Google Cloud CLI documentation

gcloud help

*Set Default Region and Zone *
gcloud config set compute/region [REGION]
gcloud config set compute/zone [ZONE]

You can also check official documentation Google Cloud CLI documentation

_In my next blog we are discussing setup CLI and create project and manage your resources _

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