After my scalable star rating and my ONE star rating, Here I am with more rating systems.
This time I will perform a 2x combo providing not one, b...
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@inhuofficial @madsstoumann @link2twenty @lapstjup @siddharthshyniben
After a strange silence in the galaxy, two spaceships emerged and made a fatal attack at the same time. No one survived.
I thought after the savage beat down of my last post this was over. It begs the question
I guess your ideas are bullet proof?
I'm Immortal!
Oh and I have to say thank you for providing safety to our younger generation, you are indeed correct we could have had someone's eyes out with our recklessness! 😋🤣
Would using an input of type="range" be accepted? Although it may need a little bit of JS
Mads already explored that way: dev.to/madsstoumann/star-rating-us... unless you have a different idea ;)
Can totally relate
Awesome man, you're really good at CSS.
yeah, no one can survive my 2x combo!
Yup, I ended it Thursday, these are just the whimpers of a defeated foe 😋😉🤣
You ended nothing, you broke two asteroids with your small blaster while the real war is happening in another galaxy. Fix your navigation radar!
haha 🤣🤣
Oh ffs the site is very broken at the moment, 4 times trying to reply in the comments bit and it kept disappearing with an error - they all made it through though!
it's the effect of our war. The DEV site cannot handle it ... We need a bigger robust galaxy for the next one.
I think you are right, maybe I shouldn't release my response just yet then 🤣