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What's your CSS level? Take a CSS Quiz!

Temani Afif on May 15, 2023

Do you want to have some fun with CSS? What about some CSS Quizzes? πŸ‘‰ CSS Quizzes πŸ‘ˆ Selectors, Flexbox, Transform, Gradients... P...
alohci profile image
Nicholas Stimpson β€’

Hi Temani. Some great quizzes. One nit-pick though

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The answer is none of the above. All four values are set by the padding declaration, not just the non-zero ones.

afif profile image
Temani Afif β€’

True, but assuming that the default value of the padding-* is equal to 0 (and that we don't have any other padding-* rules) we can safely assume that the "equivalence" is correct πŸ™‚

gretseatdev profile image
GretSeat β€’

The answer is padding right. Padding goes top, right, bottom, left.

alohci profile image
Nicholas Stimpson β€’

Padding-right is indeed the property that gets set to 20px, yes. Additionally, padding-top, padding-right and padding-bottom get set to 0px, overriding any previous values with the same or lesser precedence. In particular, this removes the default non-zero padding on ol, ul, dialog, fieldset, legend, td and th elements.

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐ β€’

Ok I got a perfect score in basic! This amazes me, I'd say even though "basic" it included things I don't use often but have a dim memory of and had to scrape my memory for :) However, now I'm scared stiff of the rest of them!!!!

faisaljawedkhan profile image
Faisal Jawed Khan β€’

It's good to increase our css knowledge through these type of amazing quizzes.
Thanks for sharing amazing content.

danwalsh profile image
Dan Walsh β€’

Nice work! Just finished the first one; looking forward to working my way through the rest! 😊

thumbone profile image
Bernd Wechner β€’

I suck at the basic one. I mean, knowing this stuff just indicates you work a lot with it is all. I don't (and like many I don't think I want to, CSS bugs me with its complexity and endless libraries developed to make it simpler and get around shortcomings and ... and ... and ... so I dive into it when I need to with TFM in hand.)

ashleyjsheridan profile image
Ashley Sheridan β€’

Technically, if content-box were the default box sizing value, we wouldn't need to specify it in CSS resets. Like some other people have pointed out, it's not a cut and dried answer. Might want to reword that question to make reference to the spec default.

afif profile image
Temani Afif β€’

Note sure what you are talking about but content-box is the default value (I am not inventing this)

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alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro β€’

I suck at Flexbox/Grid πŸ˜…

khairunnisaas profile image
Khairunnisaas β€’

I can't even get perfect score in basic one πŸ˜…

giangdlinh profile image
Giang Vincent β€’

The timer run so fast that I can’t have time to even read the question :v

tehawanka profile image

yeah, time limit is ridiculous :(   I am phlegmatic by nature and I fail in almost all coding tests with time limits. Despite working in industry for ~7 years and nobody ever complains about the time of performing tasks by me. :)

szeredaiakos profile image
szeredaiakos β€’

Your skill of css is defined by features you DONT use. Fun quiz tho.

fruntend profile image
fruntend β€’

Π‘ongratulations πŸ₯³! Your article hit the top posts for the week -
Keep it up πŸ‘