DEV Community

Dan Walsh profile picture

Dan Walsh

Developer by day, music producer by night. Gaming nerd. Comic enthusiast. All-round good guy. Not as grumpy as everyone says.

Location Melbourne, Australia Joined Joined on  Personal website github website twitter website


Web Developer / Designer

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Three Year Club
Two Year Club
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One Year Club
TailwindCSS is great; why so much hate?

TailwindCSS is great; why so much hate?

Comments 33
4 min read

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I thought I'd share two dev wallpapers with you

I thought I'd share two dev wallpapers with you

1 min read
Why FontAwesome is still awesome

Why FontAwesome is still awesome

Comments 21
6 min read
Bootstrap 5 + React project setup and customisation

Bootstrap 5 + React project setup and customisation

Comments 7
3 min read
Self-host Google Fonts in your next React project with Fontsource

Self-host Google Fonts in your next React project with Fontsource

Comments 6
3 min read
Flush your DNS cache with a single easy-to-remember command

Flush your DNS cache with a single easy-to-remember command

2 min read