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Why AI will never take your job

Thomas Hansen on May 09, 2023

According to research conducted in the subject the last 5 months, 300 million jobs will be changed by AI the next 18 months. This number is the exa...
hlexnc profile image

AI won't take your job, but 5 devs are going to be replace by 1 dev + AI 😅. I am only upset that most university programs are going to be on Artificial Intelegence and Data Science, no more Computer Science 🪦

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

Hahaha :D

marcelorafaelfeil profile image
Marcelo Rafael • Edited

Thanks for you article.

I think that with the AI some roles can disappear and it's normal in the technological advancement. But at same time some roles disappear, new roles are created. As you said: "Nothing new under the sun". We started this game aware that we need to keep a studying routine and being informed about new technologies.

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

Word :)

logofile profile image
David Castro

Before the widespread proliferation of large-scale, industrial weaving machines, weavers made really, really good money and wielded a lot of power. They would wear the equivalent of a $50 bill in the brim of their hat just to show how wealthy they were.

When industrial production came along, the Luddites (groups of weavers led by a fellow weaver named Ned Ludd) went on a rampage and destroyed equipment that they saw replacing them and reducing their power and income.

Are there any parallels between software engineers of today and the Luddites of the early 1800s?

go4webdev profile image

Yes. Fear of losing your job...

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

Wow, thx for the history lesson. As to your question, I have no idea, but we've seen the same thing happen a bajillion times. The printing press anyone ...? ;)

cppshane profile image
Shane Duffy

This is really well put. Not that I wasn't already aware of this, but I wasn't exactly sure how to verbalize it.

You're paying for the years, not the minutes!

I love that

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

Thx mate :)

mjoycemilburn profile image
MartinJ • Edited

Can chatGPT use a hammer as well as fix my code then? Must check that one out - I've got a staircase to build

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

Hahahaha :D

arianygard profile image

This is kind of when book printing was new - everyone thought they'd lose their jobs but it actually created a lot of new jobs, just made a couple of the old (tedious) jobs slightly obsolete.