Did you know we can use Postman tool to even make call to SOAP based web services? At least something that I was not aware of (always used SOAP UI tool). So, thought of putting altogether steps that can be followed to test SOAP web services using Postman tool. Here are the steps:
1. Install Postman: If you haven't already, download and install Postman from the official website.
2. Import WSDL: Obtain the WSDL (Web Services Description Language) file of the SOAP web service you want to test out. The WSDL file describes the available SOAP operations and its input/output parameters.
In Postman, go to "File" -> "Import" -> "Import From Link" and enter the URL of the WSDL file Or provide path of file from local filesystem
. Postman will generate a collection based on the WSDL.
Sample WSDL link - http://www.dneonline.com/calculator.asmx?wsdl
3. Create a Request: Once the collection is imported, you'll see a list of available SOAP operations as requests in Postman. Select the request you want to execute.
4. Modify Request Parameters: Inspect the request details, including headers, request body, and parameters. Update the necessary values to match your specific use case. For SOAP requests, the body will typically contain XML-based SOAP envelopes.
5. Send the Request: Click on the "Send" button to execute the SOAP request. Postman will make the HTTP request to the SOAP web service endpoint specified in the WSDL. The response will be displayed in the Postman interface.
6. Verify the Response: Analyze the response returned by the SOAP web service. Postman provides various views, such as raw, pretty, and preview, to help you interpret the response XML or JSON data. You can open console to view the request and response packets.
By following above steps, you can use Postman to test out SOAP web services and checkout its functionality.
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