DEV Community

Akintola Olalekan
Akintola Olalekan

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Enhance User Security with the React Native Password Strength Meter Bar

In today’s digital age, ensuring users set robust and secure passwords is paramount. With the rise in data breaches and cyber-attacks, it’s essential for applications to guide users in choosing strong passwords. This is where the React Native Password Strength Meter Bar comes in. It’s an open-source project designed to visualize password strength, offering both developers and users a seamless experience.

Why Use a Password Strength Meter?

  • Educate Users: Many are unaware of password strength nuances. A visual representation educates them on the importance of password complexity.

  • Boost Security: Encouraging users to set stronger passwords reduces unauthorized access chances.

  • Enhance UX: Guiding users visually is better than just presenting them with password requirements.

Features of React Native Password Strength Meter Bar

  • Customizable Look: Adjust the radius, height, and unfilledColor to match your application's theme.

  • Show Strength Text: Optionally display password strength feedback text with the showStrengthText prop.

  • Dynamic Updates: As users type, the strength meter updates in real-time to provide instant feedback on password strength.

  • Dependable: Leverages the zxcvbn library for reliable password strength testing.

How to Implement


npm install react-native-password-strength-meter-bar
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


import PasswordStrengthMeterBar from 'react-native-password-strength-meter-bar';

function App() {
  return (
    <PasswordStrengthMeterBar password="userTypedPassword" />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Customization Options

  • radius: Adjust the border radius of the bar.

  • height: Set the height of the progress bar.

  • showStrengthText: Decide whether to display the strength feedback text.

  • unfilledColor: Customize the color of the unfilled section of the bar.

The strength meter uses a combination of colors and labels to indicate password strength:

  • Weak: Red (#F25F5C)

  • Fair: Yellow (#FFE066)

  • Good: Blue (#247BA0)

  • Strong: Green (#70C1B3)

Contributing to the Project

Open-source thrives on community contributions. If you’re interested in adding features, fixing bugs, or improving documentation, head over to the GitHub repository and make a pull request. Every contribution is welcome!


Ensuring users set strong passwords is about more than just security; it’s about trust. The React Native Password Strength Meter Bar offers an intuitive way to enhance application security. Try it and contribute to a safer digital world.

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