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Discussion on: Minimizing Keystrokes, Maximizing Productivity  -  Bash Scripting

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Akshansh Bhanjana • Edited

So I ended up installing the Vimium extension, and, wow. I love it. You were right; it didn't take much time to get used to, but saves a whole lot of effort while browsing. Thanks for this!

Firefox's containers are indeed great. I never really used the tree style tabs, though, as I think I'd need a bigger screen (I pretty much always feel that my screen isn't big enough haha) and so I think I might try that later.

Hahaha, yes, Yabai, i3wm, dwm, and perhaps almost every tiling WM takes a lot of time setting up + getting used to. They do save a lot later, though. So, a worthy investment, I'd say.

You've sold me for Rust, really. Gotta start learning soon :P

I haven't heard about Erichto, but yes, William Lin and Rachit Jain are amazing. Go's standard library contains lists (obviously), trees, heaps, stacks and queues (easily implemented using slices), and some useful functions. It isn't as extensive as the C++ STL, but it still does a really good job.

About the goroutines, I never came around to using them, as I didn't even know that much programming when I used Go (I was in my freshman year :P)

Haha yes, Python for CP is usually frowned upon. Honestly, I figured that in competitions where the submission time matters (i.e. the time one took to solve the problem, and not the submission runtime), Python is really good!

When I became used to Python, I realized that I could sometimes solve a problem using Python in half the time it took to solve the same in C++. So, what I usually do is use Python for easy problems (so that I don't fall into TLE problems), and switch to C++ for the harder ones. I found this way to be really efficient! Moreover, when dealing with really large numbers, Python works like a charm.

Woah, Discord switching from Go to Rust is a really interesting step! Let's see how it fares in the future :D