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Alan Barr
Alan Barr

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Solo, pair program, or mob ?

Do you program, as a duo, a mob or by yourself?

When I worked at marketing companies, I usually programmed by myself. I've seen others try pair programming and at times programming as a mob. Either of these could work, but I am curious to have you tried or disliked any in particular.

What do you think? Would you try pair programming or mobbing, or would you rather work by yourself?

Oldest comments (3)

theaccordance profile image
Joe Mainwaring

I can't say I've encountered a situation where pair or mob programming is the defacto method of development; I've only ever programmed solo and would engage in pair or mob programming for educational purposes only.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited


In real work situations, I've seen that the number of developers working on a task generally has an inversely proportional relationship to both the quality of work produced, and the time taken to build it.

Programming is ultimately a solo activity, and really does work best that way.

mykezero profile image

Pair programming is quite awesome; two sets of eyes and it's hard to lose track of what's being worked on. Been doing that for about 5 years now. Recently did a project solo and of course without a buddy, you can get stuck for a few hours if you aren't time boxing a task. Wish I had an opportunity to try mob programming though!