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Albert Jokelin
Albert Jokelin

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Usually, when we make applications (especially as beginners), we tend to make one application to do everything. This application is said to follow a monolith architecture.

What is a Monolith architecture?

  • The standard way of writing code here all the components are a part of a single unit/ codebase.
  • The app must be written with one tech stack.
  • Teams need to be careful to not affect each other's work.
  • Every time you update a part of the application, you need to redeploy the entire application.

Challenges with the monolith architecture

  • Applications become too large and complex.
  • Parts are more tangled into each other.
  • You can't scale particular components which leads to higher infrastructure costs.
  • Difficulties arise if different services require different dependency versions.
  • Longer release process.
  • For every change made, the entire application needs to be tested.
  • A single bug in a relatively insignificant component can bring down the entire application.

Since there are a lot of problems with the standard monolith structure, we resolve them by using microservices.

What are microservices?

  • We break down the application into several small/micro applications.
  • What does their architecture look like?
    • The splits are based on each component's business functionalities.
    • It follows the idea of 'Separation of concerns'- 1 service for 1 specific job.
    • They must be self-contained and independent of each other. Each service must be developed, deployed and scaled separately even though they are a part of the same application. (Known as loose coupling)

Communications between microservices

  • Usually done using API Calls.
    • Each service has its own API and they can talk to each other by sending HTTP requests
    • It is a synchronous communication
  • It can also be done asynchronously using a message broker
    • Common patterns- Pub/Sub and point-to-point messaging
  • A third way to communicate is by using a service mesh.
    • There's a helper service that takes over the complete communication logic.
    • You don't have to code the communication logic into the microservice, it is delegated to the service mesh.

Downsides to using microservices

  • Added complexity because the microservices application is a distributed system.
    • Configuring the communications between services for scenarios where one of the services is down.
    • More difficult to monitor with multiple instances of each service distributed across servers. Tools for overcoming these challenges have been built over the years. One of them is Kubernetes.

CI/CD pipelines for microservices

  • Companies like Meta, Google and Netflix deploy hundreds of microservices every day. The complexity of the pipeline increases with the number of such services deployed.

Monorepo vs Polyrepo

  • Monorepo means using 1 git repository that contains many projects.
    • Each service has its own folder/ directory.
    • Makes code management and development easier.
    • Clone and work only with 1 repo.
    • Changes can be tracked together, tested together and released together.
    • Share code and configurations like docker-compose and manifest
  • Some of the challenges are:
    • Tight coupling of projects.
    • Easier to break the 'loosely coupled' criterion.
    • Cloning, fetching and pushing slowdown due to increased size.
    • Makes pipeline code more complex and challenging to write.
    • If the main branch is broken, the entire repo is gone.
  • Used by companies like Google.
  • Polyrepo means that each service has its repository.
    • Code is completely isolated
    • Clone and work on them separately.
    • In services like GitLab, you can have projects to configure connected projects (Groups).
      • This helps to keep an overview.
      • Create shared secrets, CI/CD variables, runners, etc.
    • The CI/CD is more straightforward.
  • Some downsides are:
    • Cross-cutting changes is more difficult.
    • Changes spread across projects must be submitted as separate Merge requests instead of a single, atomic MR.
    • Switching between projects is tedious
    • Searching, testing and debugging is more difficult.
    • Sharing resources is relatively more difficult.

I made these notes after watching Techworld with Nana’s video. Let me know what you think of it and if you’ve loved it, drop a like :)

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