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Alen Parker
Alen Parker

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The Real Cost Of Hiring & Keeping Poor Performers

Apparently, the toughest decisions are the ones that are related to people. Hire, fire, promote, or reward, all these four tasks are the toughest. Once made, they cannot be undone.
Forget bad hires, we are saying any hire who is less than an A type is costing you.

Pro Tip: Keep analysing your employees every six months to take better hiring, firing, rewarding and promoting decisions.

Lower productivity, not being regular, no initiative- they are all the typical indications of a low performer. Other than the financial repurcussions the real cost that you are missing on is something else. The bad hire is a question on your abilities and the power of decision-making.

This starts impacting your top employees as well. Highly passionate and engaged, they, in the end, are also humans who lead by example. But the poor and incompetent performers drive even the top ones away. When top performers stop feeling motivated enough, they start looking for other job opportunities. Worst case scenario, your competitor gets to harness the skills and knowledge of your top performer. HR software in India and on time attendance management software are helping employers improve such scenarios by helping them in decision-making.

However, apart from using HR software in India, here are some other things that only a human eye can scan better. Here are some of the ways to spot that top performer at the time of hiring.

Innate talent: Some candidates already have the qualities and talent in them while some are struggling to fit themselves in it. Identify the talented ones and hire them.
Curious: When a candidate is a keen and quick learner, he is more adept to new environment, technology. These are the kind of candidates that you should prefer the most.
Devoted: More than experience, what should matter the most is the devotion, hunger that a candidate has for his work. Look for the same.
Confident: Whether you are hiring for a managerial position or an executive one, confidence is another great trait every hire must possess.

If you have hired great people, it becomes your responsibility to give them the treatment they deserve and keep them happy.

Teach: The top performers always have a quest for knowledge. So, teach them, organise workshops etc, so that they can learn more.
Lead: It is very important for top performers to be lead by the best. Someone who is incapable of leading them really makes them frown.
Reward: What you may feel is a reward may not make the employees feel rewarded. So, analyse. Some may value recognition, some may find a promotion or a trip more rewarding. You can use HR software in India to communicate and appreciate the employee and his accomplishments.
Give credit: Some managers are very sly, they try to snatch the credit of their subordinates. Spot such managers and replace them with someone who knows how to lead and treat the top performers.

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