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Alex Abiola
Alex Abiola

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Harnessing the Cloud: Building Stunning Static Websites with AWS S3


If you are looking to feature some of your work, share ideas or start a business in today's digital world; having a solid online presence is essential. If you are a developer, designer or entrepreneur static website would be the best option for sharing your purpose in the market.

That is where Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 comes into play, a highly durable and secure cloud storage platform capable of hosting static websites. What if you could share your portfolio, Blog or Product landing page without the fear or hassle of traditional web hosting. This project will take you through the process of setting up a static website using AWS S3, from creating your own AWS account to optimizing your performance.

With that, whether you are just starting out or you want to add to your arsenal, get ready as we explore the wonderful world of AWS S3 and unlock the guidance hosted static website powers! What You Can Learn from it

  1. What is AWS S3?

    Discover the fundamentals of Amazon Simple Storage Service and its role in static website hosting.

  2. Benefits of Using AWS S3 for Static Websites

    Explore the advantages of hosting your site on AWS S3, including cost-effectiveness, scalability, and reliability.

  3. Creating a Bucket for Your Static Website

    Learn how to create an S3 bucket and set the right permissions for your static site.

  4. Uploading Your Website Files

    Find out how to upload HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other assets to your S3 bucket.

  5. Configuring Your Bucket for Static Website Hosting

    Get step-by-step instructions on enabling static website hosting and setting up index and error documents.

  6. Accessing Your Static Website

    Learn how to access your newly hosted website and set up a custom domain if desired.

  7. Optimizing Your Static Website

    Discover best practices for enhancing the performance and user experience of your static site.

  8. Monitoring and Managing Your Website

    Understand the tools and strategies for keeping your website running smoothly and efficiently.

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1. What is AWS S3?

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is a scalable object storage service designed for storing and retrieving data from anywhere on the web. It offers developers and businesses a durable, reliable, and cost-effective solution for hosting static websites.

Key Features:

  • Scalability: Automatically adapts to your storage needs, suitable for both small and large applications.
  • Durability and Availability: Ensures 99.999999999% durability and 99.99% availability, keeping your data safe and accessible.
  • Security: Provides robust security measures, including data encryption and access management through AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
  • Global Infrastructure: With worldwide data centers, S3 offers low-latency access for users across the globe.
  • Integration with AWS Services: Works seamlessly with other AWS tools like CloudFront for content delivery and Lambda for serverless computing.

In short, AWS S3 is an excellent choice for hosting static websites, making it easy to establish an online presence without the complexities of traditional hosting.

2. Benefits of Using AWS S3 for Static Websites

Hosting your static website on AWS S3 offers several significant advantages:

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: With a pay-as-you-go pricing model, you only pay for the storage and bandwidth you use, making it an affordable option for personal projects and small businesses.

  2. High Availability and Scalability: S3 ensures 99.99% availability, allowing your website to be accessible at all times. It automatically scales to accommodate traffic spikes, so you won’t have to worry about downtime during peak usage.

  3. Robust Security: AWS S3 provides strong security features, including encryption for data at rest and in transit, as well as fine-grained access control through AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), keeping your data safe from unauthorized access.

3. Creating a Bucket for Your Static Website

Creating a bucket in AWS S3 is the first step to hosting your static website. A bucket is a container for your files and is crucial for organizing and managing your website’s content. Here’s how to create a bucket:

Log in to the AWS Management Console:

Access your AWS account and navigate to the S3 service from the console.

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Click on “Create Bucket”:

In the S3 dashboard, select the “Create bucket” button to begin the process.

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Configure Bucket Settings: - Bucket Name: Choose a globally unique name for your bucket. It must be unique across all existing bucket names in AWS S3.

  • Region: Select the AWS region where you want your bucket to be located. Ideally, choose a region that is closest to your target audience for better performance.

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Set Permissions:

Uncheck the “Block all public access” option if you want to allow public access to your static website. Be cautious here, as this will make your bucket accessible to anyone on the internet. You can refine access later using bucket policies.

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Review and Create:

Review your settings and click on the “Create bucket” button to finalize the process.

Once your bucket is created, you’re ready to upload your website files and configure it for static website hosting!

4. Uploading Your Website Files

You will next upload the files for your static site (i.e., HTML, CSS, JavaScript, et al), after creating the S3 bucket. It is a very straightforward process and can be done directly from the AWS Management Console. Here’s how:

  • Navigate to Your S3 Bucket:

Now login to the s3 service and click on your websites bucket.

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  • Click “Upload”:

Click “Upload” to start adding the files of your website inside the bucket.

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-** Add Files or Folders:**

– Files can be uploaded individually (eg. index. html) or even folders to your structure order of a website: images, scripts, stylesheets.

Drag the files into the upload area or click “Add files” to choose them from your computer.

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-** Set Permissions (Optional):**

If you have a public bucket (which is intended for websites) then there is no need for this step. On the other hand, if you want to manage file level access then provide proper permissions to certain files allowing them to be public.

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-** Review and Upload:**

Once you have added your files and permissions, review your changes and click “Upload.” And S3 will begin to store your files.

-** Verify the Upload:**

You will see the files listed inside of a bucket after they are uploaded. And consider adding the following to your main page (index. Make sure the entry file has index (index. html) so this will become your website default page;

Once you have the word press files uploaded, your site is almost ready to be live. Now you need to set up the bucket for being a static website!

5. Configuring Your Bucket for Static Website Hosting

Once your website files are uploaded to S3, the next step is to configure your bucket to serve these files as a static website. AWS S3 allows you to host static websites by enabling specific settings within your bucket. Here's a detailed guide on how to do it:

1. Enabling Static Website Hosting in S3

To enable static website hosting, follow these steps:

Navigate to the S3 Console:
Go to your S3 dashboard and click on the bucket where your website files are stored.

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Open the Bucket Properties:
Click on the Properties tab of your bucket, and scroll down to the “Static website hosting” section.

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Enable Static Website Hosting:
Click on Edit, and select Enable for static website hosting. You’ll then be prompted to provide some information about how you want the website to behave, such as which file should act as the default homepage.

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2. Setting the Index and Error Documents

When enabling static website hosting, you’ll need to specify the Index and Error documents. These are critical for the correct functioning of your website.

  • Index Document:

    This is typically the index.html file, which serves as the default homepage when users visit your site (e.g., If no specific page is requested, S3 will display this index file.

    • Example: In the field for Index Document, enter index.html.
  • Error Document:

    This is the page displayed when there’s an error, such as when a user tries to access a page that doesn’t exist (404 error). It’s a good idea to create a custom error page (e.g., 404.html) to guide users back to a valid part of your website.

    • Example: In the Error Document field, enter 404.html (or whatever file you’ve created for handling errors).

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Once you’ve set these values, click Save Changes.

3. Important Settings to Consider

While configuring your bucket for static website hosting, there are a few additional settings that are important to get right for proper functionality and security:

  • Bucket Policy for Public Access: To make your website publicly accessible, you’ll need to adjust the bucket’s permissions. By default, S3 buckets are private, meaning only you (or specified users) can view the contents.
    • Go to the Permissions tab of your bucket and click on Bucket Policy.
    • Add a policy that grants public read access to the objects in your bucket. Here's an example policy:
     "Version": "2012-10-17",
     "Statement": [
         "Effect": "Allow",
         "Principal": "*",
         "Action": "s3:GetObject",
         "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name/*"
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Replace "your-bucket-name" with the actual name of your S3 bucket.

  • CORS Configuration (Optional): If your website is using resources from another domain (like fonts, scripts, or APIs), you may need to configure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). In the Permissions tab, click CORS configuration and enter a policy that allows cross-origin access. Here’s an example of a simple CORS policy:
       "AllowedHeaders": ["*"],
       "AllowedMethods": ["GET"],
       "AllowedOrigins": ["*"],
       "ExposeHeaders": []
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  • Redirection Rules (Optional): If your site needs to handle redirection, you can specify rules under the Static Website Hosting section. This is useful if you want to redirect traffic from an old page to a new one.

4. Accessing Your Static Website

Once you've enabled static website hosting, AWS S3 will provide a unique Website Endpoint URL, something like You can share this URL to allow users to access your website. However, for a more professional look, you can also link this to a custom domain using services like Route 53.


Congratulations! 🎉 You’ve just taken a significant step in deploying a scalable, secure, and cost-effective static website using AWS S3. By leveraging Amazon’s robust infrastructure, your site now benefits from high availability, global reach, and easy management—all while keeping your costs low. Whether it’s a personal blog, a portfolio, or a business site, AWS S3 provides the perfect platform to deliver fast and reliable web content to your audience.

Now that your site is live, you can explore further enhancements like integrating a Content Delivery Network (CDN) with Amazon CloudFront, using custom domain names with Route 53, or adding HTTPS security with SSL certificates. The possibilities are endless, and AWS S3 makes scaling your website as simple as clicking a few buttons.

So go ahead, share your creation with the world, and take pride in mastering the art of static website hosting on AWS! 🌍✨

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